Grade report


Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

For new York nurses did you get aa grade report and what does it mean? I did my test on sat the 25th and bon told me that my grade report is being mailed out today, what is that?

it could mean a report of your performance

Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.

It simply says "pass" or "fail"....there IS NO GRADE for the NCLEX.

Like I've already told you--and I AM in New York--you don't get a grade for the NCLEX. If the person from the SBON told you to wait for one, it's more than likely she's telling you that your license will not be issued without verification from Pearson that you PASSED.

She CANNOT tell you over the phone that you passed, as you do not have a license number yet. She cannot TELL you that you'll get a license number as she does not yet have verification that you PASSED. In NY, it can take a week (NOT unusual) to post on the BON website.

You got the quick results, that you PASSED, and that's great. WHY are you freaking out? :)

Relax. Let the license get issued when it gets issued. It'll come. You can see it yourself in about a week!

it could mean a report of your performance

NO. Pass or fail ONLY, in NY or anywhere else. And I am 99% sure that the report is NOT for the test taker to receive, but the SBON: THEY have to know she passed. That's why they aren't telling her anything over the phone.

What I received from the NYS BON after the test was a paper which contains my DOB, candidate # and an inscription of my photograph stating that I have passed. I cannot tell if that is the "grade report" you are refer ing to. However, you can also check the status of your current registration at if you live in NY.

I hope this will be helpful.

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