GPC Students - how was your semester?

U.S.A. Georgia



Just wanted to see how everyone's semester went at GPC. Just finished my 3rd and rolling into the 4th, thank Goodness!

So GPC is everyone doing? How are all of you 1st semester"ies" doing?

Its almost over for us 4th semester"ies".

Just wanted to hear from you guys and see how everyone is haning in there.

Congratulations!!:balloons: Just a few weeks and school will be over....for you....

My first semester isn't bad, actually it's not as hard as I expected. I just hope it wan't get much worse.

Are you already looking for a job?

Wow! congrats to you on thinking your 1st semester was not that hard! How many classmates have you lost so far?

I have to say this program has been a million times harder than I ever thought it was going to be.

I only have one month left and I'm praying I make it! We just had test 3 and only 6 people out of 27 passed. THey definitely kick it up a few notches in the 2nd year!

Good luck!

The first semester hasn't been murder like everyone said it would be BUT, nonetheless it still is alot of reading/studying to do. We haven't really loss alot of students either this sem. 48 started & only like 10 (8 w/draw for personal reasons) are gone. We'll see how the end goes (ERI).

I heard 4th sem students are on their way to the world of nsg.

That's great!!!

By the way how many exams do you guys have in the 4th sem

The # of tests isthe same for 3rd and 4th semester. 4 regular exams and 1 final. Plus in 3rd semester you have 10 pop quizzes in class that count like 10 % of your grade and in 4th semester you have 3 take home quizzes that are worth 15% of your grade total. Thank goodness for those!

Are the 1st year students going to attend the pinning ceremony?

The first semester hasn't been murder like everyone said it would be BUT, nonetheless it still is alot of reading/studying to do. We haven't really loss alot of students either this sem. 48 started & only like 10 (8 w/draw for personal reasons) are gone. We'll see how the end goes (ERI).

I heard 4th sem students are on their way to the world of nsg.

That's great!!!

By the way how many exams do you guys have in the 4th sem

I believe we lost more students than that...Ms. Miller is counting with only 33 spots for check offs:uhoh3:

Wow! congrats to you on thinking your 1st semester was not that hard! How many classmates have you lost so far?

I have to say this program has been a million times harder than I ever thought it was going to be.

I only have one month left and I'm praying I make it! We just had test 3 and only 6 people out of 27 passed. THey definitely kick it up a few notches in the 2nd year!

Good luck!

I guess that we all took it just more seriously since everybody was scaring us. We expected this amount of studying ;)

was gpc hard to get into

I heard it's hard. I got in on my first try. My GPA was 3.79 and and I had 78 on the NET test. Some people got in with a GPA bellow 3.5, but a passing score on the NET is a must.;)

I believe we lost more students than that...Ms. Miller is counting with only 33 spots for check offs:uhoh3:

No, the last I cked (from the ck-off board) it was 40 spots & of those 38 was taken. Ck again.

I don't think so much that people are scared, it's just

that some people are failing but just didn't drop by

the drop date & decided to stick it out for a miracle

to happen.

Thanks for your help. What terms do they admit students I could not find that info online.

Has anyone lived on campus there

Thanks for your help. What terms do they admit students I could not find that info online.

Has anyone lived on campus there

Sorry, GPC doesn't have dorms.:uhoh3:

No, the last I cked (from the ck-off board) it was 40 spots & of those 38 was taken. Ck again.

I don't think so much that people are scared, it's just

that some people are failing but just didn't drop by

the drop date & decided to stick it out for a miracle

to happen.

I know....I was actually helping to make those lists for check-offs. Some people signed up for repeating on the lists(including me), so they took two spots. I guess we can just count peple in the class on Monday. The number might be something between 30 and 40 ;)

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