U.S.A. Georgia


Who's applied to GPC for the fall?

Thanks for the size information. It sounds like small is the right one for me to try.

So how was orientation? I had to miss it.

It was alot of information! It sure does feel real now! She told us our first test is Sept 4th and it is over chapters: 1, 17, 21, 27, pg. 198-210, pg. 222-228, pg. 55-59 & pg. 1521-1538 in the Fundamentals book!

One lady also said that if you have financial aid that you have to buy books through the bookstore, and I am not sure what she meant by that. (I have been trying to order my books online here & at a time when I have the money). I got her name & email address and I am going to email her to ask what she means by that. I am new to this school and not too sure how things are done and they really dont communicate things to new students very well.

thanks. I had heard that about books from someone else last year. They will not just release to you a cash book allowance - it seemed to go from the gpc bookstore straight through to her financial aid account. she could not even get reimbursed by showing receipts. It sounded like such a scam! I would think buying them used and paying your self would be the way to go if you van possibly afford it.

Thank you for that information!

Thank you for that information!

I think she meant that if you are using financial aid, then the bookstore is where you would go, normally. I usually rent/ buy my books on line & reimburse myself when the refunds come in. Also, I will resell bought books thru to pay for books the next semester. Last fall, I made over $300 reselling my books.

Hey guys orientation was good, however, i missed the first 10mins, did they say anything concerning the Ipads.

Hello everyone,

I was at the nursing orientation today. Just joined the site for this thread specificly. That was a good overview of the program. Does anyone have a website where we are supposed to order the uniforms through? I moved the other week and can't find anything from when I got the acceptance letter. Was going to see what I can get rolling myself, since my FAFSA seems to be taking forever to clear, much less be processed.

Also, anyone find that video about the SimMan dummies to be creepy?

the uniforms come from meridys GPC7382

You can usually find uniforms in the Bookstore . (Clarkston)

That's where I got mine. I just graduated in May.

Good luck to you all!

@mangopeach...Congratulations! :yelclap: If you don't mind me asking, how many people did you start out with and how many ended up completing the nursing program/graduating with you?

What study materials are you planning to use to study for the NCLEX? Good luck on that monster of a test and keep us posted!

Hello all:

If you are into renting books, I rented 8 of the 10 books we needed (or were suggested) via Campus Book Rentals. I also used the promo code (giving10) and saved an extra 10%. Overall, with taxes (shipping can be free & insurance is optional), I spent $203. They will send you a free return package thru the USPS. I used them this summer semester and was very pleased. I will probably get the other books digitally.

I also suggest checking local thrift stores for other reference materials. I bought an NCLEX study guide and my A&P book for $10.

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