GPA and GRE that you were accepted with?

Nursing Students SRNA


Looking to see what my chances are just strictly based off of stats. I know that there is a lot more that goes into being accepted (interview, experience, certifications, references), but I just want to see the numbers for those who have been accepted.

GPA: (BSN and/or overall)


Thanks in advance to everyone who replies!

Specializes in SRNA CEN CCRN-CMC.

3.6 GPA average 2 years ICU, 6 years ED CEN CCRN-CMC, have not been accepted yet, but the grind continues!

3.5 GPA. 2.5 YRS ER, almost 2 yrs ICU. CCRN. Charge nurse, CCRN review instructor. 3.4 graduate GPA. (Took health assessment and patho). I got in! Start in a couple of months. Good luck!

Specializes in Anesthesia.

3.3 overall (I partied my first year of college and ended it with a 2.5 GPA), 3.1 ADN, 3.59 BSN, 3.5 science (would have been higher if I retook a physics class that I got a C in). GRE 309 (150q, 159v, 5.0 writing), almost 3 years ICU in a university affiliated level 2 county hospital (crazy busy with more traumas than our local level 1) with experience as charge relief and resource. Last year of ICU I mainly did rapid response.

3 years of SDU experience prior to the ICU experience at a VA hospital. Stayed on per diem at that gig in the float pool and did ICU, ER, and mainly nightshift psych where I was able to study for the CCRN, CMC, and GRE. I took an undergrad biochem course during this time as well.

Also worked as a LVN in a nursing home, which until this day was the most difficult job I've ever had.

Applied to 3 schools and accepted to 2 of them. I was offerred interviews at all 3. I ended up getting into my first choice (allowed me to stay in my current residence,) so I cancelled the third interview. I graduate in December and have a job offer here in Southern California already ?

It all boils down to the interview. I think most interviewers were looking to see how much I wanted it, if my life was in order for the stress/chaos that is CRNA school, and if you're somebody they could see themselves stuck on call/hanging out with 24 hours.

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