Got To Vent! I really hate Cell phones!

Nurses General Nursing


Please I have to let this out! I had the night from hell! Patient Y is on the monitor.....everything is fine......Heart Rate-80 SR-SB with an elevated T wave. Okay no biggie...has a history of an MI, but nothing else.

All of a sudden, Heart rate jump to 178 from 80. Okay, down the hall I go in a run....hip is sore from lifiting and positioning patients for the last few weeks.....get down to the room to see what is going on....MA is cleaning her up...listen to her heart rate and it is 80.

Go back to the monitors and look at others...all of them are showing weird rates! Some of them look like the stock market graph......what in the world?? The Telley Clerk has told the family in room 666 not to use their cell phones and the family in room 333 were told the same thing!

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I told the family in room 333 cell phone were not to be used on the floor! Whoever it was that used the cell phone last night on the floor, just cause this lady to have chest Xrays, EKGs and blood test! Can I prove anything..nope, but when I left this morning everything had come back normal....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Thanks for letting me vent!

Hello there...

What did people do before cell phones ? Is it that important that I hear their conversation in the grocery store, library and the dept. store dressing room ? Does it make them feel important ? It's rude! unless it's an emergency. Lately I complain to the management in a restaurant or library. I had to vent.


Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

I have a nextel phone and I am always sure to leave it in the car when I'm in a restaurant. At the grocery store when someone 2 ways me I always put it on private so no one else has to hear my conversation, and even then I make short sweet and to the point. The other day Hubby and I went out to eat for lunch and there was a lady there by herself just yacking away on her 2 way without putting it on private..the whole restaurant got to hear! Thank goodness nothing bad was said! Hubby was just about to go over and give her a piece of his mind when she finally finished the call. While she was yacking 2 other cell phones started beeping and ringing at other tables! How rude!!

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.
Originally posted by kat57

Hello there...

What did people do before cell phones ? Is it that important that I hear their conversation in the grocery store, library and the dept. store dressing room ? Does it make them feel important ? It's rude! unless it's an emergency. Lately I complain to the management in a restaurant or library. I had to vent.


Never in a library either! That is rude!

Thanks Greer..

that's really a good idea.


Specializes in ER, ICU, Corrections.

My father has probably rolled over in his grave but I do have a cell phone but when I am in a resturant, movie, department store or any other public place and certainly not in a hospital. I have mine for emergency use only. The only person that has my phone number is my SO so I don't get any phone calls on it. I want to have it if I get out in the middle of the boondocks and my car breaks down or something.:cool:

Specializes in ICU-Stepdown.

I have one, but unlike the obvious crowd, I'm very respectful. If in a public place, its either offline, or on vibrate (at which point I leave the facility or go to the restroom to talk if I must (rare. I'm not one to use a phone often).

My phone is far more than a phone. Its a palm-pilot (smart phone) which keeps (among my nursing school stuff such as drug lists and the Davis Drug Guide (palm edition) and care-plan notes, my very sechedule etc.)

Its also the only phone I have (I am 'wire free').

About the rudest I can think of, is some jerk using the phone in a theater during a movie. That happened, and my normally gentle self became somewhat indignant (the guy received 3 calls, then MADE one, he was two rows back, 1 seat over). I got up, explained that if he didn't turn the (expletive deleted) phone off, I was going to shove it so far up his (behind) he would have to open his mouth to extend the antenna.

I was riding the cycle that day, and can be rather imposing when I get my dander up. Suffice it to say that the individual got up, left the facility (didn't make it back in for bout 20 mins -(whats the point in seeing the movie?) and I got more than a few 'thumbs-up').

I'm not a violent person, but that kind of behavior really grinds me. if you are THAT important that you must have a conversation on your phone in a crowded movie theater, then please just buy out the theater for a showing, and watch it yourself (celebrity style)

I agree!! To see someone going down the freeway with said phone glued to their ear, driving very erractically makes me so angry. I don't want to be a cell phone statistic. It is bad enough in a restaurant, but driving!! Some state have made it illegal, unfortunately, Tennessee hasn't.

I have a cell phone, and I have never once used it in public.

If I have to use it when I'm in my car, I pull over into a parking lot, park in a space a make my call. I have never once received a call on my phone, because I leave it turned off, unless I need to make a call.

People are always asking me for my cell#, and I tell them "Only my husband has the number."

Most people who talk on their phones in public make themselves look like classless idiots, IMHO.


Cell phone use makes me just nuts. NUTS I SAY!!!!!! It is no small wonder that people are more angry and more violent. Good grief gertie!!! They never have any peace. No solitude. No mental freedom of thought.

What in the world can be SO important, that you have to chitty chat in the grocery store or on the highway in a car moving 75 miles an hour.

I have a cell phone, that I use primarily for emergency purposes. Never while I am driving. Never in public.

And those walkie talkie things need to be BANNED!! How irritating is THAT!!!

Originally posted by Wendy M.

Please I have to let this out! I had the night from hell! Patient Y is on the monitor.....everything is fine......Heart Rate-80 SR-SB with an elevated T wave. Okay no biggie...has a history of an MI, but nothing else.

All of a sudden, Heart rate jump to 178 from 80. Okay, down the hall I go in a run....hip is sore from lifiting and positioning patients for the last few weeks.....get down to the room to see what is going on....MA is cleaning her up...listen to her heart rate and it is 80.

Go back to the monitors and look at others...all of them are showing weird rates! Some of them look like the stock market graph......what in the world?? The Telley Clerk has told the family in room 666 not to use their cell phones and the family in room 333 were told the same thing!

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I told the family in room 333 cell phone were not to be used on the floor! Whoever it was that used the cell phone last night on the floor, just cause this lady to have chest Xrays, EKGs and blood test! Can I prove anything..nope, but when I left this morning everything had come back normal....GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Thanks for letting me vent!

Did you report this to your safety committee??

We have tried curtailing cell phone usuage in our ICUS by visitors but when the MDS are using them left and right it is becoming almost too difficult to police.

I have heard of cell phones interferring with some IV programable pumps, respirators and even IABPs. The literature on this is not very much so this might be something you might want to write up and publish.

The only time cell phones really bug the crap out of me are in a movie theatre, and when you're playing Bingo...... I mean come on! You're waiting on your number to be called and the whole Bingo parlor is quiet as a mouse and you hear this annoying ring, and you hear everybody gasp! I hate it!

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