Published Feb 23, 2012
rubato, ASN, RN
1,111 Posts
I went to the mailbox with hope again today, but knowing that it was way too early. Sure enough my letter was there! It's just for the top 110 people who made it to the interview round, but still, I'm so excited! After the interviews, they take 64, so more than half make it past this point.
Now, I need to call tomorrow to set up my interview and they start next Monday! I still need to finalize my interview questions and answers and find something nice to wear. I'm a wreck already, and I've got the whole weekend to worry.
51 Posts
Congratulations!! You will do well. Keep us posted.
18 Posts
Congratulations.... I got my accepted letter today. I was super happy when I read Congratulations on the letter, then happiness turned into frustration when I read "congratualation you been accepted at our school, unfortunately you did not meet the minimum requirements for the Nursing program, but we are happy to offer you other programs"
Story of my life....Anyway congratulations... I just needed to vent!
Congratulations.... I got my accepted letter today. I was super happy when I read Congratulations on the letter, then happiness turned into frustration when I read "congratualation you been accepted at our school, unfortunately you did not meet the minimum requirements for the Nursing program, but we are happy to offer you other programs"Story of my life....Anyway congratulations... I just needed to vent!
That sucks! I'm so sorry. They shouldn't get your hopes up only to dash them. Can you get more prereqs in and get yourself up there for the next semester?
No the letter pretty much said that I won't ever make it to their nursing program. They said that it is unlikely that I would be able to change my major to nursing because the program is always full. The funny thing is that they offered me a full scholarship of more than 30 thousand dollars to any other major, so I am so confused if I stick to the school I am right now and try to get into their 2 years nursing program or change school and major! Sooo confusing!
Anyway I didn't mean to take your topic offer but I just needed to talk
145 Posts
Congrats on your letter. Good luck on your interview you're going to do great! Keep us posted :)
38 Posts
Congragulations! Hope you do well in your interview!
13 Posts
I went to the mailbox with hope again today, but knowing that it was way too early. Sure enough my letter was there!...
392 Posts
congratulations. wishing you success on your interview.:)
49 Posts
Congratulations on your letter and good luck with the interview!
prettymica, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN, APRN, NP
814 Posts
Congrats on your interview :)!
56 Posts
Congrats! :yelclap:
I still remember my interview, I had to submit an essay along with my application (which they asked me about) . When I first arrived I had two essay questions I had to answer right there, very intimidating. Then I proceed to meet with at least 5 other staff including administration and instructors. I was asked about my pre-reqs, why I chose the night program instead of the day program since I was coming out of high school to the program ( they found a recent hs grad going into the night program strange lol) how I felt about procrastination, about a previous bad grade in my transcript from high school and WHY I wanted to be a nurse. Overall the interview was great.
Don't worry, be yourself and of course be honest.