i got a job!


So I have been applying for every hospital job under the sun for the past year. I have applied for Unit Secretary positions, CNA positions, Transporter, Registrar...EVERYTHING I could possibly be eligible for. Then FINALLY a Student Nurse Aide position became available at a nearby hospital where I was doing clinicals...I applied and the next day they called me. It pays great, I can make my own schedule, I can wear whatever scrubs I want, I float between several floors for different experiences, and I am pretty much guaranteed a job as an RN if I desire one when I graduate. This is by far the BEST news I have heard in awhile. They called and made me an official offer this morning :) BUT to top it all off...I have ANOTHER interview next week at a different hospital. It pays a little less, I can still make my own schedule, and it is in Pediatrics which is something I want to do after I graduate...so now I am in a small dilemma...both are great jobs, great hospitals, and great experiences..I just don't know what to choose if offered both!? But I guess the important thing is that I got one of them at least! Just wanted to share my excitement! I love Allnurses, you all are a great nursing support group :)

Congrats. That is great news.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.


Oh that's wonderful! Congratulations!

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).

Congrats!!! If I were you, I would take the job you were offered. At least you will get a chance to sample different floors and get a feel of different specialties. Even though pediatrics is your favorite so far, I think its better to experience everything, that way you will know what you like and don't like. And besides you can get a chance to see how staff on each floor interact, should you decide to work as an RN there in the future. Good luck and let us know what you decide.

well i went to the peds interview...only to find that their orientation dates interfered with my school schedule (ugh!!!) so within the first 5 minutes of the interview I knew the float position that I had accepted a few days before was the job I would be working at! I am a little disappointed because I wanted Peds but happy to HAVE a job...and even happier to have a job that will help me transition to an RN in less than a year (hopefully!) And the peds position is still an option in a few months..they told me to reapply and maybe I could do an orientation this summer if I still wanted the position...but who knows, I may really love my new job! I start orientation at my new job tomorrow so we will see :)

Congrats on your job. It sounds nice that you will be able to experience different floors.

This new job has lots of added potential! You are starting your career off on the right foot. Congrats on your good fortune!

Congratulations on getting a job, what a way to start the New Year. I wish you all the best:smokin:

thanks everyone! just finished the HR orientation..my first shift is next Sunday...11p-7a EEEEK..let's hope i survive it :)

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