Published Aug 28, 2006
170 Posts
so what do think ?? you think attending a reveiw class will be helpful. if u know a good reveiw course besides kaplan for rn . i am trying to find one for nclex pn. i really need some suggestions. i failed more than 3xs.. i cant believe it.. just becuz of being nervous. i just need a good not so high price review class any suggestions .?? ?please help im already using saunders, and kaplan testing on the website. i am studying off the cd.. please help
356 Posts
Some people like the Hurst review. It's still rather expensive, but people like it because it is comprehensive and they say you can keep the study materials. There's a thread about it from last week.
1,303 Posts
Besides Kaplan, I also took a review course from FEUER nursing. I thought it was pretty good. Good review of content information
90 Posts
Also with the hurst review you can take it more than once!
I took it at the end of my junior yr at the school and they come back again my senior yr. And you do keep all the information that comes in the binder so basically they go through the information and you answer questions that are in the binder and they give you pointers for passing the test. All I have going through my head is "Killer":rotfl: One of the things the guy kept saying is ask yourself will this kill your patient and if the majority of the crowd answered a question wrong he would say "Killlllleeeeerrrrr" he was pretty funny.