Good reading material for new ER GN


Hi, I just graduated with my ADN and have been hired in the ER at my local hospital and I was wondering if y'all had any suggestions on any books that might be helpful for the new ER nurse or any equipment that you think I will really need. I haven't started yet, but I would like to be prepared. (I'm kind of anxious so if you have any advice that would also be greatly appreciated)



Specializes in ED.

Lunah !!!! You rock congrats on getting an Army nurse gig. Wish I could. Start a second army career. One word of advice. If u do ever work with civilian RNs. As a Army officer be nice to them. They can make ur life a living hell. And take good care of your sergeant and soldiers. They will take good care of you.

Specializes in ED.

House of God is a great book

And watch the first two seasons of Nurse Jackie

She is a patient advocate despite her many many flaws

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

I definitely second Sheehy's!!!!!!!!! It is considered as the bible of emergency nursing. It is used as the review guide for the CEN (certification for er nurses). Best piece of advice...ask questions all the time! Learn from the experienced nurses, very critical pts, and all the docs and mid level providers! I highly enjoy being n the room when the doc or midlevel is performing the H&P becuase I can act as the fly on the wall and learn about what they are thinking and where the pt may be going, medically speaking. Learn as much as you can from your preceptor, and by all means, if you do not know somethinig...ask!

Congratulations and good luck!

Specializes in Telemetry/IMC.

I looked it up online, and the ultrascope has a whole lot of great reviews and it's way cheaper than my littmann was. Kind of makes me wish I'd looked around a little more before buying. I'm going to stick with my littman till it dies though, I think. I'm rather attached to it. :)

So is the Sheehy's Emergency nursing in an easy to read format? It's not cheap, and I'd like to know before I buy because I have a short attention span when it comes to the textbook format books.

I :redbeathe farside! :D

badphish- I just ordered The House of God and look forward to reading it. :)

Thanks for all your good advice!

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I'd also recommend the TNCC book, even if you aren't going to take the class for awhile yet (usually your department pays for you to get your cert). It lays out primary and secondary assessing in a very straightforward and organized manner.

Welcome to the world of organized chaos!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Sheehy's is a textbook, kinda typical, but not a tough read. Take "House of God" with a grain of salt. :D

Specializes in Emergency, Corrections, Adv Practice.

I like the whole "Made Incredibly Easy" book series. They have an "Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly." It obviously doesn't cover everything, but gives a good overview of common ER conditions with applicable nursing assessments and summary of treatments and diagnostic tests you should expect.

How is Sheehy's on Peds ED nursing?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Peds is included as part of the "special populations" section -- they have a chapter on peds in my edition of Sheehy's, which is one back from the newest. I also recommend getting the ENPC book for peds.

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