Published Nov 12, 2013
784 Posts
I was working with my patient last night as a nursing student, doing my final assessment and ready to get off the floor for post-clinical conference when... her illeostomy bag became undone with the combo of content and a burst of gas (I realize I should have emptied it sooner, but it had been emptied at the end of the last shift with very little content so I unfortunately let it go a little too long, I realize this was my fault and could have avoided the whole thing)
It was my first illeostomy so went to get my nurse for help. She told me it was fine to leave, she'd take care of it but that just didn't feel right, it's MY patient too, ya know? So we got that done, got her cleaned, got her sheets changed, got my assessment done and went to the conference 30 mins late (they were just finishing up)
Figured it was good practice for when I'm an actual nurse and the metaphorical and literal **** hits the fan at the end of shift, LOL
449 Posts
Haha that's usually a mistake you only make once. Definitely good to check often and let out the gas (as awful as it usually smells).
7,736 Posts
And for the future - if a CNA comes to you to warn you about it, RUN, do not walk to empty it!!! Maybe you can cheat if you burp it temporarily, but get to it fast! You'll never be able to work well with that CNA again if it blows!
We've all been there & done that at least once!
yup, only once -- it's hard to learn the hard way, LOL
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,669 Posts
You probably gained more knowledge than you would have in conference. Education comes in many forms. Yay for you!
I love it when students leave an exploded ostomy bag for me to clean up, said no nurse ever!
195 Posts
Good for you for sticking with your patient and cleaning up the poo that hit the fan Experience is the best education. And I hate to say thing, but you might as well get used to things like this happening at the change of shift...
cardiacfreak, ADN
742 Posts
I commend you for staying and helping the nurse. It would have been easy for you to just leave and let someone else deal with it. I believe you are on your way to being a very good nurse. Just like a PP stated, it has happened to all of us probably more than once. And believe me the nurse was happy you stayed to help, it shows you are responsible.
Thank you very much. I graduate in 35 days and I'm going to be an AWESOME nurse ;-)