Good news leads to identity change


Specializes in urology, pediatrics, med-surg.

I got some great news this morning. I've passed the NCLEX! Therefore, for the sake of truth and clarity, I am no longer ARNurse2B, but am now, accurately:

AR_RN :up::D:yeah::chuckle Yay, me!

Congratulations!!! :)

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

:cheers::bdyhdclp::bdyhdclp::clphnds::urck: WAY YO GO!

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Rock it! Welcome to nursing!!!!

Congrats. Looking forward to changing my name too. ;)

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.
Specializes in Clinical Risk Management.



you are the NURSE, ar!

you've come a long way, sweetie!!

show 'em what you're made of.:balloons:


Way to go! I am also hoping to be an AR (Arkansas) RN, too, in a few years!

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