gloucester county college 2014

U.S.A. New Jersey


Anyone else looking to get into the gloucester county college 2014 fall nursing program?

Third times the charm!!!! 90.33% woooooooooot.

Good job!! now turn in that portfolio! :) Im taking micro this semester but the guy I have seems to be on the harder side. I will let you know after I get my test back next week if I like him or not. lol!

Well here we are the deadline has come and gone!! Who is waiting for a letter?:nailbiting:

omg it seems like time has flown by since october but it feels like march 31 is an eternity away!!:nailbiting: sooo nerve wracking! im taking micro now and its killing me so that is keeping me somewhat occupied. but i can't wait to find out. Think you'll get in vettechtorn?!

I hope so! If not I will just keep going for my BA. I have micro also. My second test is tonight. YaY!:***:

I'm taking micro and psych in the summer at the same time. 5 weeks! Ultimate challenge haha. Hurry up March!

Omg its killing me!!! I cant wait to find out already!

Accepted! Yay!!!

Me too! Yippie!

Me Three!! We have lots of stuff to do. Anyone sign up for the CPR class yet?

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