Getting Organized Before Starting School

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I, like many of us, am staring my first semester in August. I've been a stay-at-home mom since the birth of my twins six years ago. I have been going to school for the last two years but I know that nursing school will demand a whole lot more of my time. I'm looking for ideas on what kinds of things others have done to make life easier at home before school starts so that the house runs smoothly during school. I am not the best housekeeper on the norm, and of course, I do all the shopping and pay the bills and set all the doc/dentist appts., etc. Have any of you found a routine that works for you? I hope this makes sense. LOL!!! I'm just down to one month before school starts and I want to get all my ducks in a row. Thanks in advance for any input.

Wanted to offer these websites to whoever would like to check them out. While I don't use all the tips on them, I have taken some and rearranged them to fit my lifestyle. Hope it can help some one.

These are great! I can definitely learn a thing or two from both of them.


No Problem!!!! If I find anymore I'll pass them on.

A warning about the Flylady site...unless you like being flooded with e-mails, I wouldn't sign up. I just bookmark the site and refer to it every now and then. the first days I signed up I ened up with like 20 e-mails throughout the day.

Specializes in OB, lactation.
I have a 12 y.o. son who is starting the 7th grade and I have twin daughters who are 6 and starting the 1st grade. NONE OF THEM PICK UP AFTERTHEMSELVES!!! LOL!!

That is going to become very UNfunny soon! I would get them started on a "new and improved" routine so everyone won't be angry and resentful when school starts.

My boys are good when I'm around but my dh doesn't want me in school so he doesn't make them do anything when I'm at school and it sucks! The house is a disaster area when I get home and I look like the bad guy when I make them play catch up. Something to think about unless you are mega laid back about the state of your house.

I am thinking about doing a bunch of freezer meals in the next few weeks before school starts. A BUNCH. I tend to make junky food when I get really pressed with schoolwork and I hate that- this way I'd always have something decent to easily make. Here's a Friendly Freezer Yahoo Group for anyone interested:

I like this thread. Bump.

Specializes in peds cardiac, peds ER.

The best thing about this thread, other than the excellent ideas, is that we can see that we're not alone in our concerns! :uhoh3:

I think the best thing I finally figured out is how to LET my husband be supportive, but accept his way. Let him do the things he can do, even if he does them differently, and talk to him about what those things are. We experimented alot over the last semester.

He does all of the kids soccer rides, and he helps me clean up the kitchen, etc., after dinner.

On the weekends, I plan all the meals for the week, and I write them down on a dry erase board. Then I make up the grocery list, and he and I go to the store together. This is new for us and I really like it because instead of being a chore for me, now it seems like time for us to spend alone together. Also, now if there's a weekend I'm swamped, I have alot more confidence (and so does he!) that he can find the groceries on his own.

I look at my schedule for the week and pick one or two days that either I will put something in the crock pot, or my husband will cook something easy. So on those nights, which we plan ahead together on the weekend, he knows he will be cooking hamburgers, tacos, something simple that he can do.

There's a few things I try to do every night, which are important to make me feel like the house is clean. Things like straightening the living room, cleaning the kitchen, and putting away laundry. The other things I do when I can. I have found that if I alternate studying with cleaning, I get alot done, and cleaning gives me a mental break without feeling guilty.

Most of all--I try really hard not to let school take over my life. I still go out with my family, still have date night with my husband. Sometimes I have to force myself to let go of school a little and have a life. But it's worth it!! If anything, it clears my mind and helps me think more clearly when I get back to the books.

Boy, there have been soooo many fantastic ideas posted!! It has really helped me to take a look at things I can improve upon to make life easier for me and my family. I have a friend who just lets her house completely go during school. That's fine for her, but I know my kids and husband wouldn't thrive that way, not to mention, my own state of mind. I'm not the greatest housekeeper but I can't stand for things to get nasty. Thanks so much for all the great ideas...keep 'em coming.

The best thing about this thread, other than the excellent ideas, is that we can see that we're not alone in our concerns! :uhoh3:

I think the best thing I finally figured out is how to LET my husband be supportive, but accept his way. Let him do the things he can do, even if he does them differently, and talk to him about what those things are. We experimented alot over the last semester.

He does all of the kids soccer rides, and he helps me clean up the kitchen, etc., after dinner.

On the weekends, I plan all the meals for the week, and I write them down on a dry erase board. Then I make up the grocery list, and he and I go to the store together. This is new for us and I really like it because instead of being a chore for me, now it seems like time for us to spend alone together. Also, now if there's a weekend I'm swamped, I have alot more confidence (and so does he!) that he can find the groceries on his own.

I look at my schedule for the week and pick one or two days that either I will put something in the crock pot, or my husband will cook something easy. So on those nights, which we plan ahead together on the weekend, he knows he will be cooking hamburgers, tacos, something simple that he can do.

There's a few things I try to do every night, which are important to make me feel like the house is clean. Things like straightening the living room, cleaning the kitchen, and putting away laundry. The other things I do when I can. I have found that if I alternate studying with cleaning, I get alot done, and cleaning gives me a mental break without feeling guilty.

Most of all--I try really hard not to let school take over my life. I still go out with my family, still have date night with my husband. Sometimes I have to force myself to let go of school a little and have a life. But it's worth it!! If anything, it clears my mind and helps me think more clearly when I get back to the books.

Clean out my closets and cabinets. That way there's a place to hide all the junk when I don't have time to clean!

Bumping for more ideas! :p

These are really great ideas. I'll be using a lot of them.

Specializes in Lactation Ed, Pp, MS, Hospice, Agency.

I am going 2 "steal" a few of these ideas! I especially like the 2 book bags idea.:idea:

And the "Thursdays night" idea. Luckily my DH manages the $$. But the meals r always a struggle. I love my crockpot, but my family can only handle 1 meal a wk outta it. Speaking of the DH, he is trying really hard to show support (tremendous growth :yelclap: ). But I still concerned how I will manage 2 keep everything up & still have a family!


Specializes in Peds - playing with the kids.


You guys are so organized.

Not a student - but nightshift nurse - to keep myself, DH and 3 boys organized - I buy one of those large desk calendars and hang it on the fridge.

It is the only thing big enough to hold all activities :uhoh3: .

I also use some small stickers (great to organize younger kids - they see their sticker - they know it's their activity/job).

Good luck to all of you in nursing school!! :icon_hug:

found another. off to find more.

edit to add this one for studies.

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