Getting the exact same questions more than once???


Has anyone gotten the exact same questions more than once on their NCLEX RN test? I did mine today and I swear there were two questions, exactly the same, that came up three times each!

Does this mean I got them wrong and they were giving me another chance? Three times...identical questions..........

I also got 10 SATA ( one was the same 3x), a few meds, a lot of infection control, some prioritization and the rest were random. It seemed if I got one wrong, iy went to a very easy question ( which unfortunatly seemed to be the majority of my test.)

Anyone have some thoughts? Its freakville here.............

Well, I certainly hope you got the questions right. It is something to think about but I wouldn't worry. If you should fail, then I would consider questioning the exam. It can't hurt. Good luck.

Specializes in lots of specialties.

when I took my LPN boards I know it appeared that I had gotten the same questions a few times but read it carefully because I found that they may ask a similiar and I mean very very similair but at the end will ask you for s/s or s/e or a drug or what ever.

When I took mine back in February, I had the exact same question come up 2 times. I was careful about reading it, and it was asking the same thing each time.. The only difference was that the answer choices were different each time. I answered basically the same answer each time it was asked because I was confident it was the correct answer. I am sure you did fine! Maybe some of them are test questions and they are figuring out the best way to word a question?? The exam is hard to predict, but I don't think that it is "testing" you by asking multiple times to see if you knew the answer to that particular question.. Good luck! :wink2:

Specializes in Staff nurse.

...or it could be a test of your confidence as a nurse. " Let's see, I thought I already had that question, and the answers are the same. What's going on here? Well, it's still the same answer."

Specializes in Cardiac PICU, PICU, NICU.

I got the same question twice too! I thought that was really weird. Maybe they were pretest items and didn't count anyway.

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