Getting a Boost Because You Are A Minority



'just curious. As a minority, have you felt that maybe being a minority somehow enhanced you getting accepted into Nursing school or somehow maybe received a boost when in school?

Gals: Have you ever observed any specific instance or generally felt that men receive a boost in Nursing because of their minority status? Again, just curious.

I've heard that there is special scholarships for men in nursing but there's always scholarships for minorities anyway. That's not a big deal. Our nursing school is extra nice to them because we encourage them and give them props for being brave enough to enter a "woman's world".

Specializes in RN.

'just curious. As a minority, have you felt that maybe being a minority somehow enhanced you getting accepted into Nursing school or somehow maybe received a boost when in school?

Gals: Have you ever observed any specific instance or generally felt that men receive a boost in Nursing because of their minority status? Again, just curious.

Absolutely not. I had to work my orifice off in nursing school, and work hard on the floor now. Quite the opposite in at least one respect from my nursing school expreience: I wrote papers, entered contests, whatever I could to win scholarships, and I probably got 4 of them. What bothered me, and still does, is that on my campus we had a "Women's Resource Center." They were there not only for women, according to them, but for minorities (such as males entering nursing) to assist with $$. I applied at least a few times and gave up. I never even got a second look. Maybe because I had scholarship money (which many Others don't even attempt to go for)...I foget the exact "slip" they gave me. Anyway, they were there for all the "single Mom's" of course. I guess it is assumed that it had to be the man's fault, so let's just give the women everything. I doubt if they even asked particulars pertaining to the relationships, marriages, or one night stands that qualified them and whether or not they were consensual, or WHO'S idea was it to separate, divorce, whatever?...Just another broken part of the system. Sorry for the venting slant, but I am being truthful, and it isn't right.

Wow, I wish I can say is easy for a guy.

I have the blessing of being the only guy in my floor, beside some Dr's, and sometimes is hard, some girls tend to be kind of "jokers" and at some point my manager said that the scrubs for our floor where going to be lilac. My answer was "if that's my uniform, i will use it"

At school they look at me (some teachers) like I came from other planet, or at least I felt that way...

Another Dr who she got divorced before I was hired, she was talking with some of the nurses and when I walk in it was just silence and I said, "go ahead it is ok with me" and she replies "nothing, I just dont like man"... I told her " that's why i just dated girls from the beginning!" she didn't laugh.

Just my .02 cents!

Specializes in Emergency.
No, my school only took the top scores on the TEAS test.
Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

Getting a boost because you're a minority? Maybe not, but I do believe men get a boost because they're men. Even in nursing, which is (or is supposed to be) a primarily female profession, I think men get more money and more opportunities.

My husband and I are both ICU nurses, and when we moved cross country a few years ago, I got a position at Man's Best Hospital, to start two months down the road. It wasn't easy, despite my quarter century of nursing experience and rave letters of recommendation to even get the interview. I went through all the appropriate steps -- online application and resume submission, etc. I POLISHED that resume and cover letter. I had 20 years of experience with the particular patient population, had been published writing about the patient population and had piloted a program at my previous workplace that MBH was trying to get off the ground. After three interviews, I finally got the job. After hearing me rave about the fantastic opportunity, DH called the manager of the unit where I was going to work and asked for a job. He got it.

We started on the same day, but I was hired first and was therefore eligible for a bonus for recruiting DH. Nevertheless, they started him higher on the seniority list because it was "alphabetical." (Same last name, and my first initial preceded his.)

I had five more years of experience as a nurse, ten more years of experience with the particular patient population and a master's degree as opposed to his associate's. He made five cents more an hour to start.

After one year, RNs were eligible for promotion if they completed a project, joined one of the unit committees, submitted an application and supporting letters of recommendation from colleagues and taught an in-service. DH did none of those things. I did all of them. He got the promotion and the pay raise. I did not. ("Different evaluators," my manager said. "We try to be fair, but sometimes it's more subjective. You can apply again next year.")

It's now been years. There have been several reviews, we've both had pay raises and I finally got the promotion. But because all of the pay raises are based on a percentage of your salary, he's now making over a dollar an hour more than me, and for as long as we work there that will be the case. DH is an excellent nurse, and I'm very happy for him that he's been recognized for his excellence. But the only reason HE can think of for the disparity in our salary and for his preferential treatment is that he's male.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

1. I served on the admissions committee of a large nursing school several years ago -- and men (along with other minorities) were given an extra point in their scoring system used to determine who was selected.

2. In my current job, I am involved in hiring. And yes, men (along with other minorities) are given an edge there. I have been forced to hire a less qualified minority over a more qualified non-minority female.

Based on my personal experience, I have mixed feelings about the issue in general. I am OK with some preferences in some circumstances. But not OK with everything I have seen.

Specializes in ER.

I don't feel like I have ever been treated any differently or gained any advantage.

I remember one place I worked there was lot of people that left in 6 months - not because of any particular thing on the ward - just one of those things. However - all the guys left leaving only me. While interviews were being held we asked the manager how it was going and she said it was ok but she said "We need more boys back on the ward". In the next 6 weeks as new staff started 3 of the 5 were guys!

Specializes in Emergency Room.

As a man possibly. I'm still not sure why, but a lot of healthcare professionals seem to have higher opinions of male nurses. I think it's because we're still considered a bit of a novelty. As a minority? I doubt it. In fact the former dean of my nursing school nearly got sued because she was only allowing Whites, and not qualified minorities into the program and she was basically forced into retirement.

I know that this is an old post and my opinion may be a little late, but here it is;

Even if men are given preferential treatment in the Nursing profession, "So what." How fair is it that for just about ANY other profession, or at least the VAST majority, we can lose out for not being the minority. I am a White man myself, and as one I've had to consider this EVERY time I've put in an application for ANYTHING. I blame the government for that, certainly not the minorities I compete against, but still. I don't think an advantage in ONE profession is too much to ask. the year 2012 in a "civilized country" where men still get paid significantly more than women for the EXACT same jobs and there are WAY MORE male dominated professions....I would really be embarrassed as a male to say I wasn't treated "fairly" in the nursing profession.

There are some jobs that men aren't going to get hired for simply because women aren't comfortable (like OB, for example). At the same time, I know for a fact that men get hired over women in psychiatric facilities simply for being male.

It might be "unfair," but it's actually necessary. I know when I'm in a psych facility and a male patient starts cursing and throwing things, I'm comforted by the presence of male staff. On the other hand, when a male doctor or nurse has to go into a closed room with a female patient, they are happy to have a female staff to escort them.

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