Published Oct 15, 2011
441 Posts
My biggest pet peeve is a certain charge nurse that sits at the desk most of the shift, plays with his toys (cell phone, laptop, Ipad, IMAX, or whatever the "in" thing is now) and just sits there while the rest of us are drowning in things to get done.
Good Lord, many a times I have wanted to take his toys and throw them across the room - This is WORK! Lead by example - you are a Team Leader - Put the crap away and play with it on break or check your messages while your using the facilities (multi-tasking).
Its one thing to use your cell phone to check the time really quick but its a whole different ballpark to sit there and be oblivious to YOUR staffs needs.
I NEEDED someone to help me lift a patient -
I know its a security blanket but for God's sakes put it away....all we hear all night is "Ding DIng" ...text chime.
So tired of how technology has made us more socially retarded and how it has disrupted communication.
299 Posts
God bless you, that would drive me up a wall. I would definitely have to confront him/her about that. I had a charge nurse that would do that. We finally had to go to management about it bc it was jeopardizing pt safety.
2,228 Posts
Wouldn't it be nice if people came to work to work, and did the work they are getting paid for.
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
Where did he get the portable IMAX! I want one
anotherone, BSN, RN
1,735 Posts
what i hate even more is the patients on the phone constantly. walk in at 730 to do an assessment/meds and they are on the phone. come back in `5mins, 30, 45 and they are on the phone. but then i better run in as soon as they ring the bell.
Poi Dog
1,134 Posts
I have a coworker who is constantly on her cell in spite of her getting numerous warnings from management. It bugs me but that is her business and it just makes me look better when my residents are taken care of and hers are not.
837 Posts
Urgh, tats annoying!
ProgressiveActivist, BSN, RN
670 Posts
My doctor has signs in the waiting area: As a courtesy to our physicians and staff please turn off your cellphones. Thank you.
This should be adopted in hospitals as well, by patients, visitors and especially the staff.