Gerontology....Who has or is taking this class soon???

Nursing Students Ohio University


Who's taking it winter 2? Have you gotten your book? Are you buying or renting?

Also, if you have taken it, any advice? :D

I'd like to ask a favor of someone with the 3rd edition of the text for this class: Can you post the names of the chapters assigned for this week (Chs 15 through 21). I have the second edition and the numbers are not the same.

Thanks in advance.

Okay, just finished assignment for module 5. Took me all day and into the night!

Chuckster. Chapters are:

15 Living with chronic illness

16 Pain and comfort

17 Diabetes Mellitus

18 Bone and joint problems

19 Diseases Affecting Vision and Hearing

20 Cardiac and Respiratory

21 Cognitive impairment

Lisa you really get 100s on all of your assignments??? Great job!!!!! What's your secret? :bow:

I have so far but maybe my TA doesn"t read them or she is tired by the time she gets to mine. Trust me I must just be lucky. Anyone have any thoughts on the fact that I signed up for community and stats next 5 weeks. Has anyone taken these classes?

Specializes in ED.
I have so far but maybe my TA doesn"t read them or she is tired by the time she gets to mine. Trust me I must just be lucky. Anyone have any thoughts on the fact that I signed up for community and stats next 5 weeks. Has anyone taken these classes?

I took Family Nursing, Legal/Ethics, and stats at the same time and it was manageable. I took Community with Management. Community has a bunch of busy work, but it is reasonable. Get ahead with stats. She opens the course a few days early so you can get a jump start. I did not know that ahead of time and wish I had.

I took Family Nursing, Legal/Ethics, and stats at the same time and it was manageable. I took Community with Management. Community has a bunch of busy work, but it is reasonable. Get ahead with stats. She opens the course a few days early so you can get a jump start. I did not know that ahead of time and wish I had.

Thanks I will definately do that. I have an 11 month old daughter and she goes to bed early (if she would only sleep through the night!!), so even though I work 40+ hours I have time when she goes to bed to work on stuff. I want to be done with this program sooner than later!!

I've taken both community and stats. I was on vacation during community, so that's probably why I hated that class. Affected me really enjoying my vacation.

Thought STATS was brutal. But I liked my professor and I think he curved his test MAJORLY. But definitely get ahead. Join stats message boards, and ASK for help EARLY.


Who's started this BEAR OF A PAPER? I am challenging myself to have it done by Sunday.

I have it completed. My post got lost in the shuffle! It took me all day and well into the night. I am so happy and relieved to be done with it!

Good for you. How many pages? I just completed week 5 discussion. Need to add some references before posting.

Good for you. How many pages? I just completed week 5 discussion. Need to add some references before posting.

I ended up with 10 pages including Title page and references. The length is long only because of the format for the Nursing Diagnosis section is more spread out with headings, but with less sentences than the summary I did.

Also, I have saved every nursing book I have ever bought. They have been great reference materials for me to use for OU.

Okay, just finished assignment for module 5. Took me all day and into the night!

Chuckster. Chapters are:

15 Living with chronic illness

16 Pain and comfort

17 Diabetes Mellitus

18 Bone and joint problems

19 Diseases Affecting Vision and Hearing

20 Cardiac and Respiratory

21 Cognitive impairment

Thanks EmJean.

I'm jealous though - I haven't even started my week 5 assignment.

How many nursing diagnosis did you have? See, I could just seem my TA dinging us for going over the 5 pages of content.

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