Gerontology....Who has or is taking this class soon???

Nursing Students Ohio University


Who's taking it winter 2? Have you gotten your book? Are you buying or renting?

Also, if you have taken it, any advice? :D

You need two nursing diagnosis. It is spelled out quite well in the Teaching Tips announcement.

How many nursing diagnosis did you have? See, I could just seem my TA dinging us for going over the 5 pages of content.

There is no way to have 3-5 pages for this assignment. The title page and reference page alone are two pages. My concern is the proper typing format for the Diagnosis/data/goals/interventions/evaluation portion of the paper. I have it completely done...but not submitted until I have more information on the format of that portion of paper. I have them all separated by bolded headings and not sure that is how it should be.

There is no way to have 3-5 pages for this assignment. The title page and reference page alone are two pages. My concern is the proper typing format for the Diagnosis/data/goals/interventions/evaluation portion of the paper. I have it completely done...but not submitted until I have more information on the format of that portion of paper. I have them all separated by bolded headings and not sure that is how it should be.

Yeah..I hear you. I know they don't consider title and reference pages as "content". I've been dinged for going over the alloted 5pgs (7 including title and reference). So I'll make a note to ask TA about that. My person was very healthy and active, so my paper will definitely be on the shorter side.

Yeah..I hear you. I know they don't consider title and reference pages as "content". I've been dinged for going over the alloted 5pgs (7 including title and reference). So I'll make a note to ask TA about that. My person was very healthy and active, so my paper will definitely be on the shorter side.

Sheesh...hard to win with this stuff sometimes. I know on the teaching tips...they said the Care Plan could count towards your page total if need be. So, maybe they won't count against if the Care plan puts it over 5 pages.

Tonight I am going out and having some fun. All work and no play has made me gloomy.

Still need to take the quiz...doing that on Sunday.

Anyway...good luck to all my fellow classmates on the module 5 assignment. The hard part for me

is always getting my "want to" going. I gave myself an artificial deadline cause I wanted it over already.

Wish you all the best. We are on the straightaway now.

Tonight I am going out and having some fun. All work and no play has made me gloomy.

Still need to take the quiz...doing that on Sunday.

Anyway...good luck to all my fellow classmates on the module 5 assignment. The hard part for me

is always getting my "want to" going. I gave myself an artificial deadline cause I wanted it over already.

Wish you all the best. We are on the straightaway now.

Are you on vacation from work to be done so early?? I so want to be done!!! Next 5 weeks will be even worse with 2 classes: )

Yes...having company come in next week...and didn't want Assignment 5 hanging over my head.

This is class number 3 for me and I am already burned out! I think it really helps having this forum

to vent, compare notes and comiserate. I know it helps me a lot. I don't like being online all the time

not my favorite way to "learn."

Analysis and interpretation of assessments (worth 15 points) – One paragraph per tool providing analysis and interpretation of the assessment results.. There are 8 tools.

8 paragraphs for this part? Really???

Yes...and when you double space there is no way to stay under 5 pages for this assignment much less 3.

Anyone that the quiz? Does it follow the study guide? Have no idea why I'm even asking, b/c my quizzes NEVER do…LOL

Anyone that the quiz? Does it follow the study guide? Have no idea why I'm even asking, b/c my quizzes NEVER do…LOL

I took the quiz and it wasn't bad. I only skim the readings and I think I did ok. As far as the study guide about half of the quiz seemed to be from it. :)

Specializes in nursing.
Yes...and when you double space there is no way to stay under 5 pages for this assignment much less 3.

I am at 5 pages not including the care plan or title page. Did you guys start the care plan on another page or just continue after the assessment.?

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