Georgia State University - Perimeter ASN Spring 2024

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone,

I have decided to post this forum to start a community for those who are applying to the ASN program at Perimeter for Spring 2024. I found that the threads for previous semesters were quite useful for information when it came to finding out what type of stats get people accepted there. I took the TEAS 6/12 and applied minutes later. I got an email 10 days later telling me that I have met the requirements to apply and that I would hear back no later than September 30th. I have been working up to this ever since I started school in 2021 and it is a great feeling to be in this process. 

Student0113 said:

I emailed them ,they just answered that "no emails  have been sent "

Yikes, how did that person get an email? 

FuturernTay said:

What were your stats if you don't mind sharing?


Science GPA: 4.0

TEAS Exam: 94

Well when I called the number, the lady reviewed my information and informed me I was accepted maybe they're working on resending emails. Maybe I was lucky I was the first person to call because I received my email afterwards, I cried after getting the email.

Someone should probably ask when theyre gonna resend them, Ik all of us have been waiting for this moment and I don't think it's fair you all are still waiting for the email.

Stacey Clinton Med said:

Someone should probably ask when theyre gonna resend them, Ik all of us have been waiting for this moment and I don't think it's fair you all are still waiting for the email.

Yea it's definitely weird for just one person to receive some sort of information just cus they called and no one else gets emails.

Student0113 said:

I emailed them ,they just answered that "no emails  have been sent "

I agree, she was probably the first person that called and they were probably just getting annoyed with all the other calls after that.

Good luck to you all. One thing I'd recommend at this point, if you can swing getting the Quantiferon TB test, do it! Depending on your clinical site, you may need more than 1 skin test. 

I called to ask what my status is and she told me with a very pissed off attitude that they did not send out the emails yet and that I can call back after the 30th if I have not received it yet.

Specializes in nursing student.
Galb4894 said:

I called to ask what my status is and she told me with a very pissed off attitude that they did not send out the emails yet and that I can call back after the 30th if I have not received it yet.

Smh that sucks! I legit was about to call and ask for myself cuz I'm just so nervous and sorta kinda tired of waiting. I just want to know already. But now I'm scared to call.

futurenurseelie said:

Smh that sucks! I legit was about to call and ask for myself cuz I'm just so nervous and sorta kinda tired of waiting. I just want to know already. But now I'm scared to call.

Makes no sense how that person got an answer before everyone else like what? 


I would like to formally apologize to everyone. I still cannot understand how I was able to receive my acceptance letter before everyone else. I feel very bad and I have been ashamed to say anything. I am really sorry. 

I got in too. 

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