Georgia baptist college of nursing/Mercer University Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey! Just wanted to start a forum for anybody applying to this program for fall 2018. I have everything turned in and I'm just waiting for it all to process on the portal. I retook some science course after I dropped out of school for three years but managed to repeat all my classes with an a so my science gpa is looking like a 3.7 but it will be a 2.9 if it is averaged but I am not sure. I have 400 hours of volunteer service. 2 years of CNA experience. 1 year of managent experience ans I got an 85.3 on my teas first try. Feel free to share your stats or your anticipation! If I'm accepted I also would like to know my future colleagues :)

Does anyone know if Mercer wants letters of recommendation?

I included a letter of recommendation because I didn't feel like my grades were the strongest!

Just got a letter today saying they're waiting on my mid-term grades to release their final decision. I'm currently taking A&P 2 w/Lab, Microbio 1 w/Lab, and Abnormal Psych. The snow days really threw things off in terms of getting grades back so hopefully I'll know something by the end of February/early March?!

I'm in the same situation!! I'm taking the same classes this semester as well as American Government. When are your midterms?

I got an invitation to interview! I'll admit I was a little disappointed at first because I was just expecting a yes or no answer. However, I called and spoke with someone (I guess we can't post names here), and she told me I didn't meet the minimum cumulative GPA (because of grades from 14 years ago - I'm a non-traditional student at 33 yo), and they are wanting to give me a chance to tell my story and be able to holistically evaluate me. So, I feel much better about it. I posted my stats before with what my current university reports as my cumulative, not thinking about the fact that they are using my GPA after academic renewal. So here are the stats the GBCN admissions office are evaluating me on.

Overall: 2.33 (yeah, 14 years ago was rough...haha)

Transfer: 3.5

Science: 3.5

TEAS: 94.0

I took the TEAS today and got an 84.7. I'm so relieved. And I just sent the score to Mercer, so hopefully my application will be under review very soon! I'm taking A&PII and Micro this semester and will take a communications class and Nutrition online this summer. My stats:

GPA: 3.5

Science GPA: 4.0 (but in progress. wink)

No experience in healthcare at all

TEAS: 84.7

Good luck to everyone! Prayers we will all meet in the fall!

application is now under review! eek!

omg it's only 7:47am here in Atlanta and I'm already checking the portal. RIDICULOUS. HAHAHHA

omg it's only 7:47am here in Atlanta and I'm already checking the portal. RIDICULOUS. HAHAHHA

Hahaha! My decision was posted in about 10 days. Good luck!

I'm still under review. Day 8. Dream school of Mercer, please let me in? pretty please?

Well I've been very interested in this school for quite some time now but I'm a little discouraged because my teas test isn't as high as it needs to be.

My overall gpa: 3.0

Science gpa: 3.2

I'm actually taking four classes on this website that one of the advisors recommended me to (portage learning)..

Do you all think that I should apply even with my teas score being below the minimum?

I know I could've done better on the test but I started a job soon after I graduated school last may and I didn't have the time to study.

I would definitely still apply. Can you retake the TEAS?

I just got word I will receive a decision within two weeks.

Thats awesome! Good luck! I finish applying next week cause I taking the TEAs tomorrow! Hopefully I get in!

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