Oral Presentation!

Nursing Students General Students


I just found out that I have to do an oral presentation in my issues and trends class and it counts as 1/3 of my grade for the semester! OMG! I have a such a fear of public speaking. I'm not sure how I'm going to get through this. I can use notes but cannot read directly from a prepared paper. I have to maintain eye contact with the class also. I am terrified. Any suggestions on how to relax and make it through this experience? HELP!


I know what you mean about public speaking...it scares me too. I have had to do a few in the past and what has helped me alot is this....research what you will be talking about really well and be confident in what you are saying. If you know the material, it will be much easier for you to talk about. I also look to the back of the room and not directly in the eyes of anyone in the room. The hardest part is just getting started, you'll be surprised on how well you will do once the information starts to flow....Good luck...

I have suggested Toastmasters International before on this site for those terrified of Public speaking.

The response I received after explaining what it was about and how it helped was "I'm too scared to do toastmasters inorder to get over my fear." The illogic was they would rather do nothing and just be terrified that they would never get through a presentation.

If you are interested go to http://www.toastmasters.org at the site you can find clubs in your local ares.

Toastmasters sole purpose is education of its members in Communication and leadership.

You will find a friendly enviroment with folks happy to help you get ready for this and other presentations.

I won't waste my time again telling my own story or terror and conquoring it. Either you use TM or you don't. If you use it you won't need to hear my story. If you don't my story will not help you.

As a prereq in nursing I was to take a speech class. What I did to survive during my speeches were two things:

1. When I got really nervous I would look at the back wall, not making direct eye contact with anyone, and would glance over to the students and look at another area of the back wall.

2. I had a friend in the class, so when I do my speech and she is watching, I tell her to look down or pretend she is taking notes so it looks like im making eye contact with her, but really just looking at the top of her head.

Gook Luck!!!!

I too have the biggest fear when it comes to public speaking. However, I took a speech class this summer and I realized that although I might never be the greatest public speaker, if I really research my topic and reheorifice my speech over and over then I can give a pretty decent speech. I figured out one key to giving a good speech is rehersing exactly what you are going to say. Don't try and wing it that will just make you more anxious. Good Luck with you class and just keep telling yourself "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!"

I have never enjoyed giving oral presentations in class either. Here are two tactics I employ. First, just remember that everyone in your class is in the same boat. Second. volunteer to give yours first. You're going to have to give it eventually, so just get it out of the way. After you do, the pressure vanishes. And...you avoid the very uncomfortable situation of having to give yours after someone else gives a really SUPER presentation.

oh my god i know what you are going through. its my biggest fear. in college i would drop classes that were not mandatory if they required a oral presentaion. but one class i need to graduate had mandatory oral presentations. i freaked out all semester and tried everything to get out of it. but it came down to do it or fail. so what i did was made a powerpoint presentation and turned the lights off. this made it so much better. the class was not focused on you and the lights were off so they couldnt really see how nervous i was. i hope this helps

Great idea, klf607 about the power point and lights out! I love it! I don't know why teachers torture us with oral presentations. They know everyone hates them and we all get major anxiety over them. I realize that communication is an important part of our field, but I think getting up in front of a group when you're not used to it is kind of cruel. We have enough going on without having to deal with that. I hate it too.

here's a suggestion that may help...

When you are speaking, look at the bridge of ppls nose, it gives the impression of eye contact with out looking straight into someones eyes. The audience will never know.

I learned this little trick in an acting class and it works wonders. I am also taking speech and my prof is very strict on eye contact!

Good luck

I was going to suggest colorful powerpoint and low lights. Oh well great minds and all that.Just remember every one else is as nervous as you are.You will do fine.

I was going to say the same thing... just realize, everyone is just as nervous / intimidated as you. I like the one idea of having a friend look down as you were speaking - you can just stare away. In my presentations, I'd always pick out my "comfortable" ppl to look at. Just know the material, be confident in what you are saying and you'll be just fine. (All the while remembering that most of them are scared to death and not listening to a word you say, because they know they eventually will be next in giving their speech). :) Intimidate them with your wisdom! Look at it that way. That's another big plus. he he

I always get nervous before speaking in front of a group. And I was on the speech team in high school and spent many years in front of groups as a sales manager. The hardest part is not the speech for me, it is the moments leading up to speech. My heart is pounding and I have stomach juju. And I always think, I am too old for this nervousness.

I agree with CAVEMAN. Go first! Eliminate the pre-speech jitters by cutting them short. When I don't go first and watch others, I'm thinking "Wow, she's good, I don't want to go next" or "Wow, she's nervous, will I be that nervouse". Instructors REALLY like it when you volunteer to go first. Once you get going, the speech flows. Good luck!

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