Inappropriate instructor/student relationship?

Nursing Students General Students


For the first year of nursing school I had the same instructor, as well as a lot of my other classmates. She seemed particularly cold, snobbish and seemed to maintain a professional appearance. She indicated maintaining professional student/teacher boundaries in the beginning, but as time went on she clearly picked her favorites and things have gotten pretty inappropriate.

Two particular students became her favorites and are now the president and vice president of the nursing club...they seem to think that because they hold these positions, rules don't apply to them and they can do/get whatever they want. I catch them doing things such as cheating on a quiz or telling people confidential information about simulation lab.

Part of the nursing program is about teaching professionalism and last year this instructor was very much all about that, even getting mad at students for handing her papers with creases in them, yet one of the aforementioned students would make inappropriate sexual jokes in class all the time and be very boisterous and the instructor never seemed to mind all that much or take her aside for it.

This instructor has retired as a lead and is now an adjunct so she is still privy to information in the school. A couple nights ago, I attended a nursing dinner and those two students were there along with our former instructor. It was pretty cringe-worthy to watch how much they kissed up to her, for lack of better words. She gossiped with them about faculty and other students and they reminisced about the vacation they all had together in the summer before school started up again. I was pretty disturbed when I saw photos of these two students and or former instructor on vacation pop up in my instagram feed...but wasn't exactly sure if it was wrong or not. They text each other as well...

As we were leaving the dinner, a recent graduate was warning us about a particular harsh instructor for the last semester of nursing. We sign up for our classes and don't find out who our instructors will be until afterward. Of course the faculty have that information, so what do these students do? They ask the former instructor to find out for them who will be teaching what section for next semester so they can avoid the one who gives students a hard time. She said she would try to find out and let them know... So yes, they get to have advantages other students don't have because she will tell them confidential information!!

I feel like all of this is so wrong, but don't really know if I should do anything about it or not. I just want to focus on what I need to do and graduate, but I also find it incredibly messed up that this sort of thing is going on in a competitive program, with the nursing club leaders no less, not to mention a much older teacher who should know better than to be besties with students who are young enough to be her daughters!!

Insight would be appreciated!

lol who cares none of it matters when you graduate. president of nursing club? wtf is a nursing club and do you think employers really care after graduation ?

balls up and ignore it all

This is what I'm wondering too.

Or OP, could this trip have been related to the nursing club they're all involved with? I traveled to Nicaragua with 2 nursing professors over winter break my senior year of college. It was a school sponsored trip to work in a community clinic down there.

That said, I don't really know what kind of insight you're looking for. I'd leave the situation alone. In the working world, you will also encounter colleagues who are the bosses' pets or, worse, their spies.

P.S. I was expecting something completely different when I opened a thread titled inappropriate instructor/student relationship.

I know, I was expecting at least second base in the med room. rather disappointed....

Specializes in Pedi.
I know, I was expecting at least second base in the med room. rather disappointed....

Me too.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

Not my monkeys, not my circus.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
I know, I was expecting at least second base in the med room. rather disappointed....

Hah, seriously....

This sounds very high schoolish. If it doesn't directly effect you, just let it go. Who cares.....

Everyone seems to be rolling their eyes at this, but the same exact things happen in my program and it can be kind of annoying. Being overly-involved in your SNA and being the teacher's pet isn't what makes you a great nurse, or even a great leader. I know the individuals in my program who do this are not kind, compassionate, fair, or even that academically driven. The people I really look up to are the ones who speak up when things aren't fair, who stand up for fellow students, who go the extra mile for their patients at clinical, and go above and beyond in their learning. Focus on being the latter type of student, and don't worry about what anyone else is doing.

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