Patient Assessment - Deep trouble

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in ICU.

The aim of this "game" is to look at critical indicators in assessment.

Some of the patients in the following scenario are in "deep trouble" but some may not be. Can you identify the ones in trouble? If you can write what you think on a piece of paper.

If you feel happy to post about one of the patients please do so but don't let the cat out of the bag on all of them!!!

If you want to add another "deep trouble" patient scenario please do so - I do not have the corner on these!!!:)

Patient A)

A forty year old man with a 25 year history of heavy cigarette smoking compalining of central chest pain. Pain score 10/10. Colour - normal not pale. Sao2 98% on 4 Lpm O2. Monitor sinus rhythm with occasional PVCS - Bp 160/80. He is very restless, moving around the bed loudly complaining and demanding immediate attention and threatening to walk out. ECG is normal.

Patient B

8 year old child came in with Mother who is distraught and keep s telling everyone that "young Jimmy" was alright when she checked on him only an hour previously. Jimmy is sitting upright, with his head forward and jaw protruding. There is saliva dripping form his mouth and it is obvious he cannot swallow. He looks sick - florridly pink cheeks. Resps and sats normal but temp 38.5C. Tachycardic.

Patient C

Oversdose Vital signs within normal parameters. Monitor - sinus rhythm. Sao2 99% on 100% O2 GCS 6/14 eye opening to painful stimuli.verbal respons - nil and Motor response 3 - flexing. When you see the patient tehy are in a lateral position with a guedel airway in place (oropharyngeal airway)

I am getting tired so I might limit it to three patients for tonight but I will be back to post some more with the answers to these!

Specializes in Step down, ICU, ER, PACU, Amb. Surg.

More info on the child please.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Patient C sounds not in too horrible a distress - what did the pt OD on and how long ago?

I would say patient B is in deep trouble and about to experience an occluded airway.

I'm also looking at patient "B".

Is the child experiencing epiglottis? With the sudden onset and protruding jaw and difficulty swallowing it sounds like it could be this to me

Specializes in Med-Surg.

B sounds like croup to me even though no cough was mentioned.

Does the child have all his immunizations? Pertussis??? not sure but this is what it sounds like.

Patient c may be stable at the moment and I think that patient A needs a closer look too. Restlessness is always a sign of distress. maybe Unstable angina and some panic thrown in for good measure.

Gwenith, please don't wait too long to give the answers, OK. PM if ya have to.


oops. I meant diptheria, not pertussis

Patient "A" threatening to walk out but pain scale 10/10..

I'm still concerned with patient "B" and I had thought of epiglottitis. Still sticking with "B".

Specializes in OB, M/S, ICU, Neurosciences.

Patient B--definitely in some big trouble. Probably epiglottitis, peritonsillar abscesses or something obstructing the upper airway and throat.

Patient C--sounds neurologically depressed from OD, but saturating OK with some help from an oral airway and 02.

Patient A--need a little more information. Were enzymes drawn and what were the results?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I agree with bestblond.....B sounds worst because of not being able to swallow, etc. But a patient who is restless and having severe chest pain needs to be investigated, could be esposhageal problems or could be a major MI.

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