assumptions of title

Nurses General Nursing



Gosh, this is something I just never realized although it makes sense when I think about it. On the patient's part, I think its partly racism and partly not knowing who's who in the hospital. I'm a white female and I've been mistaken for everything from a NA to the doctor (like the doctor would wear lavender scrubs with a flowered top!) What kills me is when people in everyday life ask me what I do and I say "I'm a nurse" and they say "An RN or an LPN?" It so happens that I'm an RN with a BSN but does that somehow make me more worthwhile as a human being? Incidentally, my husband, a white male, is an MD and he has been mistaken for the nurse on several occasions. He thinks its funny.

Oh my God, really? Your husband was mistaken for a nurse?? Was he offended? Now that is the first time I have heard that !!!:)

As far as what type of degree you have, people are always asking that question!

My dad's ex girlfriend is an Opthalmologist with her own practice and when she found out I was a nurse she asked me what type of degree it was. She also asked me what type of nursing I did. I told her and she replied, "Oh, you are just a floor nurse?" I wanted to kill her! So see, we are always put down in some way or other(nurses).

I did an ABG a while back and went in and told the patient I was a vehicle mechanic. Its an Army joke because we train our infantry and mechanics to do IV's and stuff. The patient asks who you are and I say Im a mechanic here learning how to do Iv's. Especially when a few other nurses have already stuck them unsuccessfully.

I do tell them i was kidding later..

Specializes in Cardiolgy.

I think the uniform and presentation really counts for how people judge you, I am a student and constantly have to tell patients that, as they are often more likely to let the students, who they see as 'real ' nurses in white uniforms assist them, rather than the qualified staff, who where red and white striped uniforms, and many patients think are the AN's.

I think it would make it a lot easier if each designation had a set uniform, at least within each trust, I mean the other hospital in the trust I am in at the moment has a Blue and purple stipped uniform for the qualified staff and a red and white for the AN's.: rolleyes:

It doesn't help!!:p

Good point. Uniform colors and who wears what is getting out of hand. I sometimes forget that this is not the main focus of patients.

As a student nurse, many years ago, I was on duty with two other male staff, an orderly, the RN, and myself, when we discharged a grateful patient. He presented a case of beer for "the three orderlies" Guess how many ways it was split?

Hi there sorry about the caps I sometimes forget my keyboard is on cap lock. I will keep the lower case.

And to all thank you for responses. :D :D :D :D

Was my husband insulted when he was mistaken for a nurse? To be completely honest, no, he was not mad or insulted, but on the other hand he told me that a couple of times when a patient asked him to take a bedpan away or something, he wouldn't do it. Not because he felt it was demeaning, he just felt it was gross. Oh well.


Well speaking of Melanin. I have the opposite one....I LACK any-hair wise! Been grey in front since I was 19. I am.......older than that now :)

It's a HOOT to be in a room and have a young resident physician enter and the elderly patient say "Oh P is this your SON?"

Grey hair and a clipboard must automatically make you a NURSE.

Frankly when I am hospitalized I don't care who comes in as long as they do what's needed in a professional manner.

If I'm not too ill, just leave the sheets at the door, I'll make the bed and they can concentrate on the rest.

I guess no matter what color, sex, hair color, or sexual preference people will lable you. I am glad to see that ethnic groups are not the only ones targeted. When you work in a multi diverse area as I do California everyone has their set ideas of who is what. I always make sure I carry myself in a professional matter. I state my name and title. Even people in my own ethnic group assumes and that is only because of the program thinking of minorities to see someone w/some education that looks like them. I can only say I thank my parents to judge people by their character and not their skin. I love people in general and when I am mad at someone it is the issue not their skin, beliefs or otherwise. I wont be the first and certaintly the last to be targeted with bigotry and ignorance. Just give great nursing care and compassion and for some it can really change an ignorant person. :D :D :D :D

Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.


you're my kinda girl! I'm sure you're a wonderful nurse.


Thank God your husband isn't a nurse there would be no urine output documented on the patients! (unless the aide does it:D !!!)

Well with that said, are we done with this post??????

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