GCU 2014 Summer

U.S.A. Arizona


Anybody else going to be applying? I'm a long shot because I'm applying without all my courses completed, they will be done in the Spring.

i emailed nicole earlier... i do not know mine :(

I have emailed her and called her too. The number is suppose to come from the school, and the number 102 says it is already taken. I just want to get everything done.

yes, me too! i already have everything scanned in! i just need to get my physical and flu shot done! :)

hsimons38: i just picked a three digit number and it walked me through the registration process. however, it never prompted me to pay the $20.. do you know if we do that after everything is scanned in and when they verify the documents?

i do not know, but what is the three digit code??

that's the thing, i don't know. i just made one up! lol.. i entered "129" and it worked! :)

omg, it worked thank you!!!

It says everything is overdue for all my information???!!!

lol, no prob!!! yeah.. mine too.. it's really not though. don't worry! :)

When does it prompt you to pay the $20 fee?

i think it probably prompts us once we submit everything and they go to verify... i'm not exactly sure, but i would assume that, as they didn't charge us upfront.

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