Gainesville-Santa Fe College ASN Hopeful 2011

U.S.A. Florida


Getting ready to take a big chunk of prereqs this summer. Here is what I have....

Summer A

College Algebra

A&P 1

Summer B

Elements of Chem (need for micro)

Humanities (undecided)

What do you think? Any suggestions welcome.

If you made it in this year, how many points did you have?

Anybody have any updates? Anyone else applying for this year?

I found volunteer work so I'm excited about that. Other than that I guess I'm just doing the waiting game.

Specializes in MICU.
I found volunteer work so I'm excited about that. Other than that I guess I'm just doing the waiting game.

This reminded me...

I was so lost when I went to look for places to volunteer, and didn't even know where to look at first. I found this site, and got a lot of great ideas through it. I ended up volunteering as a dog walker at the Humane Society, which was pretty awesome.

If anyone is having trouble finding a place to volunteer, I hope this will help you as it helped me:

Thanks christyness for all your help.

My problem was that I needed to volunteer somewhere that would let me take my 4 month old. I finally just asked my church if they needed any help, because you're church family should be the most accepting and accomodating. It turns out they had a volunteer position they haven't been able to fill.

I clean and organize the resource room and then take inventory and do orders for the preschool sunday school classes. The best part is I can bring my daughter with me.

How are your classes going? I think you have a year left, right?

Specializes in MICU.

How are your classes going? I think you have a year left, right?

A year and the rest of this semester, yeah :) Classes are going well. NP2 is really tough and stressful, but I'm learning a lot and I have a good grade so far.

It's great that you could find such convenient volunteer work. I hope you (and everyone else) make it in and make it through with flying colors! The experience has been truly amazing for me, and just keeps getting more so as time passes.

Where are you doing your clinical rotations at?

I wanted to bump this post...

Any of you Fall ASN hopefuls still out there? With the application deadline two and a half weeks away, I was curious how everyone is doing? How did your last semester go? What are your final points going to be? Good luck everyone!

I just wanted to post an update:

I finally finished my volunteer hours and turned those in yesterday, so now I guess I just wait some more;)

LittleBirdie- I will have 74 pts, I've had all the pre-reqs done for about 6 years now. I just decided, in January, I wanted to go through with nursing. The only classes I haven't taken are those 'extra pt classes' like: computers, reading, med term, and hsc 1000. I decided to take dep 2004 during short summer, since I need it anyway for the program or if I don't get in this year it will give me pts.

How are you doing? I hope more people will share.

I will be volunteering up to the last minute, but other than that I've done everything I could possibly have done besides the CNA program and one or two of the "extra" classes. When all is said and done I will have 83 points.

I went back to school in the Fall of '09 so I was able to finish all the coreqs and classes like Intro to Healthcare, Med Term, and Intro to Computers. Still, I'm incredibly nervous about getting accepted. Until two weeks ago I was looking at applying with 89 points. However, I realized I wasn't going to get an A in my last prereq (music appreciation of all things) and that brought my GPA below 3.75, so I am not getting the full 30 points for prereq GPA. I figured I was probably a shoo-in for the program with 89 points, but this has put a big dent in my confidence, especially since I have been at this for almost two years. That I will be turning 30 in July also adds to the sense of urgency about getting into the program and getting on with my life.

Best of luck to you Gatormommy!! I saw on one of these threads (it may have been this one) that someone got accepted last year with 74 points! lets hope the applicant pool is similar this year and neither one of us has anything to worry about! I think the fact that they no longer award 10 points to previous applicants has really evened the playing field, and 2nd timers with average-to-poor grades are not guaranteed a spot like they were before. I always though that was unfair.

Anyway, good luck and I'm sure I'll be on here all the time. Hope to hear from you and other SF applicants as the acceptance letters start rolling in!

Take care!

Don't worry about the age thing, I turn 36 at the end of this month. I want to be a CRNA so I understand the time crunch, but you can only go as fast as things go.

I couldn't take the full gpa points either. I got a B+ in psych and my AP credit in ENC 101 only counts as a B. Go figure. If I knew that I would've taken it over again in college.

I can't believe they used to give 10pts for reapp!!!

My husband doesn't completely understand so its nice to have someone else to talk and vent to.:o

Good luck to you too, LittleBirdie! Hope to hear from you again....... when you get accepted!!!!!

Christyness, I was curious about the class schedule, ie when do they start/end, are they every day or every other day, breaks (how long)?

I wanted to bump this post...

Any of you Fall ASN hopefuls still out there? With the application deadline two and a half weeks away, I was curious how everyone is doing? How did your last semester go? What are your final points going to be? Good luck everyone!

I finished my application last month (April) after taking the Kaplan Test. I scored a 95% on math and 100% on reading. The test was extremely easy... I just brushed up on my fractions and ratios. I currently have 92 points, if they accept my transfer classes and volunteer hours. I see that there are 144 seats listed for NUR 1020C, so I'm assuming that's how many will be accepted for Fall. I really hope that 92 is enough to get in on first try.:)

I wish they would let us know they general schedule for Nurse Proc 1, so I know what to expect!

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