I really just have to vent.
so read on if you want to get angry with me, and write a comment because I KNOW IF YOU ARE AN OB NURSE YOU SEE THIS CRAP TOO!
I have had the unlucky privilege of working with a doctor whose patients just adore because he is really outgoing and talkative with families/patients and always cracks jokes, but he is a **** terrible OBSTETRICIAN and basically molests his patients lady partss when he's checking them/doing a delivery/putting in internals. HE IS ABSOLUTELY ROUGH during every single cervical exam and delivery. Straight up pulling the labia apart in ways I did not know possible.
regardless of the above he has a great reputation (another reason why patients prob like him) for inducing primips (and multips) at 38 and 39 weeks for NO MEDICAL REASON.
I am so sick of having to pretend and be fake with patients, and try to reassure them that they are going to have a great lady partsl delivery because over 50% of them have PCS for failure to descend/ failure to progress or fetal distress.
Last night I had to start another 39 1/7 gestation induction for this RETARDED OB and it was after I had been reading one of my wonderful childbirth education books and I was feeling great about being an L&D nurse, headed to work with a warm, fuzzy feeling and fresh perspective..... and then right away at 1900 I had to go into my pt's room so the doctor could AROM her, she was 1cm/50%/-4 station!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HE RUPTURED HER! are you serious? and then he says to go up on the pit etc...uh hello the cervix is very unfavorable, and he didn't even discuss with the pt the risks etc... oh MAN!!! i did advocate and mentioned the risk for infection and csection, but she still agreed to be AROMed.
okay so bla bla bla, she's been 4 cm for 8 hours... and baby had been having lates/variables and became tachycardiac so i turned the pit off and reported off...
i leave to go home and sleep.......
come back to another night shift and find out that she did make it to complete and pushed (from -3 station WITH an epidural) had a temp of 102.1 and they had FOUR POP OFFS OF THE VACUUM and this ended in a stat csection because failure to descend and fetal distress...
well turns out baby got transferred to a LIII NICU (small hosp).. and the mom has a fever and needless to say has a crushed ego and her lady parts hurts, not to mention regular post csection pain, and the pain of her baby being 4 hours away in a NICU.
WHY DO OB'S GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish they would SUE HIM for negligent care. (You should see the abrasions on that poor babies head.......)