funny office visit

Specialties School


My funniest visit of today was "burning nostrils" any one else have a visit that has made them smile??:D

1st grader this morning with a "terrible ear ache". The worst pain she has ever felt. I asked her which ear and she said --- "I forget".

Specializes in LDRP/Nursery/Peds/Gyn, school nursing.
1st grader this morning with a "terrible ear ache". The worst pain she has ever felt. I asked her which ear and she said --- "I forget".

Hey! That kid was in my health room just last week, too!:lol2:

I had a kid come in complaining of being "wheezy". No asthma/resp history, no active URI, lungs clear, able to breathe deeply. He finally said "yeah- my head feels all foggy and I'm dizzy".

OHHHH!! You're not "wheezy", you're "WOOZY"!!!:clown:

Specializes in Med. Surg, Home Health.

I heard the guardian for 2 teen girls in our middle school say on the phone to me, "We've been blessed with the gift of life at our house." Thinking one of the girls was pregnant, I ushered one student out of my office and closed the door for confidentiality, and listened intently. I was a bit confused when he started talking about the "creepy crawly things" all over and I stopped him. "Wait a minute, Are you trying to tell me the girls are pregnant?, He broke out laughing, "No! He said, "I said we were blessed with the gift of Lice!"

Specializes in School Nursing.

^^^THAT is hysterical!

Specializes in emergency room, TBI.

ok so here is a blue story...a student's teacher called me in a panic stating one of her students had blue lips, and she was noticing very large blue veins on his face and arms...i asked if he was talking with her, and she said that is the funny thing, he's seems to feel fine, but now we're both in a bit of a panic. we got him to my office (ambulated on his own in no distress) and i went through all of the questions...were you coloring, were you using a blue marker, what did you eat today, etc...nothing could come to mind for him...while chatting with him, i did notice that his tongue was blue, and so were the small areas of plaque on his teeth. i asked him if he's been using that cool new dental rinse at home...he broke out in a fit of laughter...apparently he was using it and his sister made him laugh, causing him to spit is all over...including in his hands, hence the large blue veins on his arm!! :idea:

Specializes in community health.

one day last week it we had a bit of a warm up here in teh northeast, hit the mid 40's.

after running around at recess 2 Kindy kids came in complaining of being hot...

I total them to take off their sweatshirts and go back to class

Little one came to clinic yesterday, sobbing her heart out. Reason? "my nose is sick!". :redpinkhe (She had a runny nose.) Gave her a Kleenex, a sticker and a hug. Sent smiling back to class with Mom's blessing.

It made me :). I love my job!!!


I had a second grader get his thumb stuck in the hole in the water fountain spout; a high school kid who bit his own finger eating fries at lunch; an elementary kid who got her head stuck in the opening in the back of a desk chair; a teacher who brought me a "pill" she found on the floor which was a tic tac; a girl who stepped on a "tic-tac" (a tack), and yesterday a 5th grader who said she "sprung" her arm.

Specializes in School Nursing.

That reminds me, I had a kid get the web of her hand (between her thumb and index finger) caught in the soap dispenser. I mean really caught! It took me, two custodians and the principal to figure a way to get her out!

Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..

"my heart beats fast when I sneeze"

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