Frustrated New Grad LPN with NO experience

Nurses Job Hunt


I graduated from nursing school in December 2010 and passed my NCLEX in January 2011. Since then, I've been desperately searching for employment as an LPN. Most places require at least one year experience, and I have none besides my clinicals. I have sent out a million and one resumes and have only received one interview with a nursing home. The interview went well, except that the only opening they had was for nights and they do not "use" new grads on night shifts. I left with the words, "As soon as we have an opening for the day shift we'll give you a call."...I was so disappointed. The worst part is that I am very confident that I can do the job despite being a new grad. My programme was a very good program and I really grasped the concept. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, and is scheduled to begin my RN this September. I hate this long frustrating search though, because everywhere I turn it's like I am been slapped in the face with my lack of experience.

Does anyone know of anywhere in the NYC area that is hiring new grads? Any suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated. I am soooooooo stressed!!!

New Grad!!!:crying2:

Best wishes at KH. Hopefully u fit in fast.

thanks...i'm a recent LPN...i hope all goes well, is the agency helping you look for other jobs?

Specializes in Med-Surg/Telemetry.

I was a new LPN in 2002. None of the nursing homes I applied to would hire me except for two. One was way out in the middle of nowhere. and the other was a low star inner city facility with multiple issues and deficiencies. My situation left me no choice but to start there as I did not even have two nickels to rub together and mainly walked everywhere I went. They started me off at $12 an hour and I felt like I'd won the win four lottery. There I meant some of the most highly skilled, professional LPNs and RNs I've ever worked with. In no other nursing home have I ever found the high level of professionalism among nurses. There I really gained a good foundation. Later I went on for my RN and that's its own horror story. Not as bad as Melissa Navie's at times, but sometimes worse. Nursing is not an easy profession. It can be very cruel, challenging, and rewarding.

Specializes in Med-Surg/Telemetry.

May I ask what agency are you with?

Specializes in VA, Ortho, Med/Surg.

I gotta get serious about working or stop nursing all together. Just had foot surgery and can't walk longer than 2 hours or I be CRAWLIN' lol. I will avoid nursing homes at all cost though.

Being a new graduate is not an easy time. The stress level is at an all time high and you want to try your best not to mess up. It is very intimidating when you are in front of other patients and their families because you want to make sure you don't say anything stupid. I feel as though more hospitals should have new grad programs which make the transition easier from school to new nurse. In my opinion, fewer mistakes would be made. I got the chance to participate in a new grad program and it helped me tremendously.

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