Frustrated New Grad LPN with NO experience

Nurses Job Hunt


I graduated from nursing school in December 2010 and passed my NCLEX in January 2011. Since then, I've been desperately searching for employment as an LPN. Most places require at least one year experience, and I have none besides my clinicals. I have sent out a million and one resumes and have only received one interview with a nursing home. The interview went well, except that the only opening they had was for nights and they do not "use" new grads on night shifts. I left with the words, "As soon as we have an opening for the day shift we'll give you a call."...I was so disappointed. The worst part is that I am very confident that I can do the job despite being a new grad. My programme was a very good program and I really grasped the concept. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA, and is scheduled to begin my RN this September. I hate this long frustrating search though, because everywhere I turn it's like I am been slapped in the face with my lack of experience.

Does anyone know of anywhere in the NYC area that is hiring new grads? Any suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated. I am soooooooo stressed!!!

New Grad!!!:crying2:

Hi everyone,

I too am an LPN graduate. Graduated in June, took my state the next month and passed.

I have been on the hunt it seems like forever, with no luck. No one will hire new nurses with no experience they require at least one year. How are we new grads suppose to obtain that if no one will hire us!? While in LPN school instructors painted this amazing image that we would be able to find jobs right out of school and that doors will open up for us, but doors have only been slammed in our face I feel like.

Being that I cant find a job I cant even go back to school for my RN because Im paying my LPN education off which has gotten me nowhere. I am losing hope and becoming very discouraged, someone please help. Does anyone know of any place in CT where they are hiring new grads?

Thanks so much guys!

Oh yeah and to top it off ... All those new grads RN/LPN from last batches who are searching actively ... be ready next batch of freshly graduated RN/LPN will be joining the unemployment and would be competing with you in about a month or so. Hundreds of fresh LPN/RNs would be competing with already unemployed thousands of new grad LPN/RNs.

Please raise the concern and request your respective schools to Stop their nursing programs for sometime before all this mess can settle down. At the current it may take upto a decade for all the existing new grad pool to find some employment

Specializes in VA, Ortho, Med/Surg.

Been awhile. Did you find work finally?

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

Look up Archcare. They have several nursing homes in the city and I was hired right out of school.

Im having the same problem with getting a job. I live in Virginia. Bad thing is that the hospital I currently work at and have been working at since 2005, paid for my LPN program which in return I owe them two years. I have applied for a LOT of jobs with the hospital and only ONE person interviewed me and when she was attempting to start the interview she looks at me and says where is your nursing experience I cant find your nursing experience. At that point I felt like crawling under a I uttered the words Im a new grad. Needless to say she still conducted the interview. Days after the interview I heard nothing from her. I called her and left a message and I emailed response. So with the hospital Im currently working for I was able to check the status of my application.... the status read...not further considered for this position due to NO EXPERIENCE! :crying2: What else is crazy my cover letter also states very clearly that Im a new grad.

Im keeping faith and praying that God will bless me (and you) with a position soon. So dont give up!!! He (Jesus) didnt bring us this far to leave us. :hug:

I am having the same exact issue here in Ocean Township New Jersey. Every place try you need 2 years then 1 year then I recently herd 6 months. I'm so tired of being turned down. I went to a nursing home and the don told me to my face no experience I can't hire you and took my resume and as I was walking out of the door I saw him throw my resume in the garbage. Smh I don't know what to do but leave it in the hands o the lord.

This is not a topic we want to hear, as I am going for cna and then lpn, . . . but it is sure necessary to know, since many cannot afford to spend time and money on a dead end! Are there others out there who cannot get hired out of school? What luck are those who volunteer getting from the places they volunteer at? And how long can that take???

Im sorry to hear that so many are having trouble finding jobs right now. Has anyone considered relocating where the job market is a little better ? A few weeks ago there was an article that Texas has one of the lowest unemployment rates and the need for medical professionals is pretty high. I see ads for jobs all the time and there are many that say new grads welcome. I hear there is always a need anywhere you go for home health nursing and also through a nursing agency. I will be praying for all those out there that something will come up. God never leaves us behind

Im sorry to hear that so many are having trouble finding jobs right now. Has anyone considered relocating where the job market is a little better ? A few weeks ago there was an article that Texas has one of the lowest unemployment rates and the need for medical professionals is pretty high. I see ads for jobs all the time and there are many that say new grads welcome. I hear there is always a need anywhere you go for home health nursing and also through a nursing agency. I will be praying for all those out there that something will come up. God never leaves us behind

Yup. I know here in Fresno, CA there are agencies who are in real need of new grads. Even for new grads there are opportunities if you know where to look.

Hi there. Where are the opportunities? Can everyone let me know which states are hiring new grads? I am in upstate NY, graduated in June got my license in Sept. I have been applying ALL OVER the tri state area for everything - coming up against the same thing, no experience. I am working at Bath and body works, but its seasonal and its about 5 hours week. I didn't kill my self for 3 years to be a sales clerk! Getting super frustrated and just don't know what to do!

Specializes in VA, Ortho, Med/Surg.

Tampa FL only hiring new grads at nursing homes pretty much. This really sux for you guys. I vote for hospital nurses training again like the olden days.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

plenty of nursing home jobs upstate. listen though, since you are new and don't know this, night nurses work ALONE most of the time. Meaning you, a brand new inexperienced nurse would have MAYBE 2 aides and up to 45 residents to care for BY YOURSELF. No one who knows is that confident. No way. Trust me, I have only been a nurse for 2 years and I have been many other things in my 53 years but no way would I think I could handle night alone. I wouldn't take on that responsibility even now!

That said, you need the experience of days to learn all the ropes of the facility. Most places orient on days for hopefully at least a month. That way you learn how to do all the endless paperwork, you meet the doctors, other nurses, administration, the housekeepers, maintenance people and others who you would rely on for help throughout your shift. You get practice with charting, giving report, passing meds for 40 people, giving narcs, etc. I don't care how smart you were in school, I was the valedictorian of my class ( 96.80) and when I started it was totally different and crazily harder than school! Reality check big time!

SO, to be helpful...look up all of the nursing homes in the city, and maybe rockland and orange county too. Apply to every single one and then call their HR departments to follow up. Nursing homes have huge turnover so you will find something! It's a high burn out job that's why they need you! Try a company called Archcare, they have several facilities in the city and do hire new nurses. But seriously, forget about nights or probably even evenings, you will have to orient on days like everyone else. Then they can move you to eves when they feel you are ready.

It takes at least 4 months before you feel pretty good about your abilities. My preceptor told me this and she was right. Best of luck to you and just be patient and keep trying!


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