Free NCLEX resources


Hello there fellow nurses and nurse aspirants. I have been studying for my nclex and thought about sharing some of the resources that i've been using.

This has a lot of practice questions for NCLEX RN and NCLEX PN, check it out guys. http://www.*******.com/home/exams/nclex-exam

This one has Kaplan Qtrainer questions and rationale in Word.

Self hypnosis test taking techniques

Peak performanc test taking strategies

Psychological test taking tactics before walking into the test room

God bless you all.

For iphone, ipad, ipod users. You can download a lot of free nclex materials at the app store. I have lipincott's NCLEX Q&A in med surg, health assessment, fundamentals and patho.

Awesome thank u for posting, what's the first link u posted? It has asterisk. Thank ü

Thanks so much for sharing. Appreciate it.

hi star i was wondering why you werent getting my message maybe because the messages need to be cleared in your box.. my email [email protected] those are underscores

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