I work at a psych hospital as an aide. Tonight a former patient, obviously homeless, approached me at Kroger and asked for money. I didn't recognize him at first and told him I didn't have any cash. As I left it suddenly hit me who he was and I felt really guilty. I remember this man being nice, but very out of touch - constant hallucinations, paranoia, talking to himself, etc. I don't remember him withdrawing from any drugs or alcohol. So, as I was leaving, in the parking lot, I asked, "Have you been to 'name of floor'?" and he said yes, so I gave him a bag of non-perishable food and soda I had just bought. I feel really weird about the situation and I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience.
My questions:
Was that a really stupid, unsafe thing to do (parking lot at night)? He was nice, but would you risk it?
Was it breaking any rules for me to mention the hospital if he didn't first? That name wouldn't have been obvious to the general public. I was trying to be subtle.
Also, this patient is a 'frequent flyer,' so have it just made it really awkward for myself next time he's there?