Forced to resign after 7 weeks


I desperately need advice. I was forced to resign my first new grad RN position after 7 weeks, and it's been almost Impossible getting another position. I've used sources on now to articulating my failed experience in a positive light. How I have grown from it, and why I am a better candidate because of it. I used the whole the whole positive, negative, positive formula.

I've even been told by recruiters that I interviewed so well, but the manager probably won't hire me because of it... and I've not gotten a call back yet.

Do I actually NEED to disclose this at all?!

But here is why I was forced to resign:

I was hired as a new grad RN to a med/surg unit. Orientation was 4 weeks in class, and 4 weeks bedside. Week 5, my first week bedside I was not precepted on the unit I was hired for. When I got to my unit I had a different preceptor every day, and it became evident that I did not fit in with the culture of the unit.

How I learn, is by asking (appropriate) questions. I always understood that it was good to ask questions (appropriate), it shows you are interested and actively engaged. Unfortunately on this unit, my inquisitive learning style was constantly misinterpreted as a potential error/mistake and NOT a method learning.

Some examples of my "potential errors" are:

A) Bringing an order for 75 units of lantus to my preceptors attention, (THAT'S A LOT!) questioning the order, and asking her what 75 units of lantus looked like.

-I have never seen 75 units of insulin, and an insulin syringe only holds 30 units of humalog. I couldn't fathom what 75 units of lantus looked like.

**viewed as potential medication error

B) I was in the process hanging Zosyn when my patient told me he was in pain. He had an order for prn dilaudid he could get now.

I know Zosyn runs for 4 hours. I also know give the dilaudid I needed to document a pain assessment, go to the Pyxis, get a vitals machine, document vitals, flush, push over 2-3mins,and flush. All that could take me 15mins.

I know some meds can't be given close together, So I asked my preceptor if I should stop hanging the zosyn and get the dilaudid. She didn't answer me, so I just finished hanging the zosyn then took care of the dilaudid. I did not want to make a medication error by stopping the zosyn in 15 mins to give the dilaudid, but since she didn't answer me I just finished what I was already doing.

******My preceptor told my manager I WAS NOT ASSESSING MY PATIENTS PAIN!!! I NEVER intended on holding the dilaudid for 4 hours, and that is NOT what I DID. I just wanted to know if the zosyn drip could be stopped to give the dilaudid.

When being forced to resign, what the had documented as "ISSUES" were my situation appropriate learning questions. I never DID anything wrong or made ANY errors!! I was beyond floored while being confronted with LEARNING as reason for me being forced to resign.

So- once again, here are my question.. any anyone could answer them:

A) do I need to disclose this 7 week employment on my best job interview(s)?

B) will this job show up on a background check?

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

It's been my understanding that if you started a job and did not even finish

orientation, then you don't have to disclose that job. I don't know honestly

if the job will show up on any type of background check or not. '

I personally would be honest and just let employers know that you had

a job, but that it simply was not a good fit for you, and move on. You

resigned right? So you don't have to say that you were fired. Just say

that the job was not the right fit for you, and say nothing more. Do

not elaborate any further.

I've been leaving it off my resume, which as least usually gets me an interview. Then the first question at my interviews so far have been:

"so you're a new grad and never work as a RN before, right?"


"So you have no hospital experience, right."

and I AM honest about the 7 weeks when they ask that question... but then they want to know why, ask specific questions, want examples.. etc

Oh and yes, i resigned. I was not terminated. But I'm sure they know what that means.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Well, about the only thing you can do is to keep putting as POSITIVE of a

spin on things, as possible. Sit down and make a list of the things that you

feel like you did well at that job. Take that list with you to interviews, to

reference. Think about some of the questions that interviewers have been

asking you at your interviews... sit down ahead of time and write those

questions, then go ahead and think of answers to those questions. Be

prepared! Be POSITIVE.

And no, having resigned does NOT have to mean anything bad, and you

don't have to tell interviewers that you were forced to resign. You resigned,

means that you resigned.

Specializes in ICU.

"So you have no hospital experience, right."

and I AM honest about the 7 weeks when they ask that question... but then they want to know why, ask specific questions, want examples.. etc

Oh and yes, i resigned. I was not terminated. But I'm sure they know what that means.

You never worked as an RN on your own, you were working under someone. At least that is how I see it. Stop messing yourself up for employment.

By the way I have seen people get 100 units of insulin BID in L&D. Never saw it until I worked there. Never in ICU but, it's possible.

Thank you so much for the encouraging words, I've been on so many interviews since and it's becoming difficult to stay positive. Thank you

I thought that too! After I resigned they said I can "tell future employeers as much it as little as I want." I just have no

idea what exactly that means. Thank you!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

How I learn, is by asking (appropriate) questions. I always understood that it was good to ask questions (appropriate), it shows you are interested and actively engaged. Unfortunately on this unit, my inquisitive learning style was constantly misinterpreted as a potential error/mistake and NOT a method learning.

To be brutally honest my guess is you tend to talk too much, I do also so not picking on you, just pointing out that you may need to temper your presentation. To me a new RN who is so anxious that she is rattling off stupid questions every 5 seconds puts me on alert. Yes there are imo stupid questions, just like here are winners and losers, so be careful in the future especially about justifying this as "my inquisitive learning style". You may feel the questions were appropriate but it is clear your preceptors and it sounds like there were several did not.

You may need to research some questions on your own and only bring the ones you can't figure out to your preceptor. Good luck and no worries you will get another job.

My view on disclosing is to be open about it in a different way.

If I was to interview you and you do not mention it in your resume but in the interview say "well actually I did ...." I would think that yo are not honest and that you are not up front.

I think it is better to mention it in your resume with dates and position.

If you get an interview it is important that you do not talk a lot about it and do not blame the place under any circumstances - that is never received well.

You can say something like "I fortunate to get this position, unfortunately, it was not a good fit for me despite all the learning opportunities".

It is probably not good to elaborate on the environment and what happened - it could be interpreted in different ways and not to your advantage.

Your chances of a hospital job are probably not as good and you could fail in a busy environment because a lot of places are mostly interested in new grades up and running and want to see them up and running within short time. It sounds that you are careful and have critical thinking - in a busy place like a hospital they do expect you to progress from asking a lot of questions for re-assurance to more independent practice. If they do not see that you will be able to come off orientation and work on your own safely, they will not keep you because most places can not support new grades off orientation unable to manage their assignment. Is it good to be a safe nurse who has critical thinking skills and asks ? yes it is. But you still need to show progression in a way that it is clear you will be ok on your own. Is it fair the way you describe it? no - it is not fair - I think that the way we expect new graduates to be ready and overwhelm them is terrible. However, that does not help you and you need to move forward.

My advice is to get any job - the longer you are without work the harder it will get to find a job.

Hospital nursing is only one option, there are other options. You might thrive in a different environment where you can showcase your abilities and gain confidence. It would also give you time to "heal" from the experience and to move on.

Apply to a less acute setting, which would also look more congruent with you not surviving the previous orientation. If you failed med/surg int he hospital and apply to acute rehab, longterm care, acute longterm care hospitals, home care, mental health nursing most people would probably view your short time in acute care as "just not a good fit" and write it off especially if you are doing well in the next place.

It also shows determination and resilience if you grab another job instead of waiting for the perfect new graduate hospital job that you may not find to begin with.

If you are desperate for a hospital job for whatever reason, you might be better off to add a license in a different state and location where they need hospital nurses and apply there. If they need nurses they are less picky plus moving for a job shows some serious willingness.

You also need a very good cover letter - everybody will ask "what happened" when they see that you did the job for few weeks. But in a cover letter you can sell yourself. I have a feeling that if you do not mention that job at all or only with an interview or lie in an interview it will bite you. I am sure it will come out one way or another. Find out what your strengths are and take a job - even if that one is not the dream job - that will give you experience.

There are also some home care companies and hospice companies that have new graduate programs. Learn a second language, volunteer, connect - be open minded so can move on.

Good luck!

If I were you , I would leave that job off my resume and not talk about it during interviews. I have done the same thing myself and had no issues. My background check was fine. Use this situation as a learning experience and move forward.

Thank you Jules. Kinda harsh, but it's something I needed to hear. I hadn't thought of a lot of your insight, and I will reflect on this experience as well. Thank you!

Nutella- your advice really inspired me, thank you! After reading it I applied to volunteer at a community center. I think I really need to do that for me, not just because it something to tell a potential employer. Thank you!

Thank you for responding to me Johnsonmichelle! You didn't tell your new employer, at all?

Specializes in PCCN.

Id leave that off and not mention it at all.

Or you could put it on there and say it was not a good fit.

Id try leaving stuff off first and see if that gets you anywhere.

I wouldnt offer info unless i was asked to elaborate.

You could say you wanted to look into a different opportunity , I guess,

Good luck, I hope you get something soon

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