For all those about to take your NCLEX - read!


I took my NCLEX-PN yesterday and want to warn everyone how truely strict they are over the rule of not getting up or moving without raising your hand and waiting for the proctor.

I was super nervous taking my test and it cut off at 85 questions, leaving me feeling a little uneasy but still confident.

After it shut off and i was done the proctor happened to be in the room so I got up and turned around, at which point she got upset and took me out.

She stated that since I didnt raise my hand to leave she had to write me up and it is likely an automatic fail. :-(

The pearson vue trick for results doesnt say pass or fail for me it states the results are on hold!

That is awful! I hope that it works out in your favor and I will keep that in mind when I test next week! Thank you!

Thanks, I will update when they post my results. I hope no one else has to have this happen.

omg! thank you for this warning.. i hope you can do something bout that.. im almost taking my nclex pn in weeks.. thank you!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

They are on hold as a result of the incident report. The proctor should never have stated that it is an automatic failure, it's a rule violation but the incident report puts your results on hold & then PV must review your test and the video/audio of your testing session. (At least you KNOW why your results are on hold.) I've never heard anyone who simply got up at the end of their test getting an automatic "failure".

People who have had serious rule violations (texting or using the cell phone between breaks is a big one as they have no way of knowing to whom you are speaking) have had their results invalidated (cancelled) and the case referred to their board of nursing. (it was not a pass vs. fail it was that the test was invalidated. One was able to retest the other was prohibited from retesting as each situation was unique, but the one who was not permitted to retest was argumentative and beliigerent at the center on top of using the cell phone against rules. Arguing that they 'never had a chance to read the rules' when the rules are presented to you multiple times and you give an electronic signature attesting that you have read and agree to follow the rules...

Sit tight and hang in there. Hopefully they won't invalidate your results, but if they do hopefully you can retake the test. To everyone else, be certain to follow the rules of the testing center EXACTLY>>>

Thanks, that makes me feel better! The lady was rather rude. I realize I made a mistake, I was very nervous but I never cheated. She made me feel horrible and did claim it would most likely lead to a fail. I really appreciate your post, it gives me some hope in a bad situation!

i had to raise my hand for at least 3 mins until someone actually came to me! i was so sore from my exam. i got all the questions. I hope the favors will be in your side, please keep us posted.

I just called pearson vue to check on my NCLEX incident report, the lady on the phone was nice she was working the front desk when I tested and remembered me. She gave me the incident report number and said to call later today, she felt my incident would not invalidate the results but it wasn't up to her.

Contacted the NCSBN today to inquire on the status of my hold and was told that it is under review and there is no timeframe given for the review process. I guess I will sit and wait and study incase I didnt pass or did pass and get my results invalidated.

Crap... I did the same thing.

I just took the test today and instead of raising my hand, I stood up after the test/evaluation finished.

I didnt get scolded but instead the lady just came over, took my pen and paper, checked the computer, and walked me out. I'm getting the same pop up as you. "Results are on hold"

Just got off the phone with my testing center. I was told that they need to review the video and audio in order to push the results forward to make sure I wasn't "cheating". AHH my stupidity! I would already get a pop up/cc screen already if it wasn't for my stupid excitement and stopping at 75 questions.

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