Published Jul 31, 2018
7 Posts
Ok. I've been an NP for 12 years, specialty and primary care under my belt. It's a moot point now because I'm a shorttimer, 2 months of my 3 month notice period done.
But anyway, check this out. I am basically an MA in my current job, reading and "planting" PPDs, putting away stock, rooming patients for the MD, drawing blood, hearing and vision tests, covering the front desk (!!).
Needless to say 1/4 of this small company has quit in the past couple of months.
When I object and say this is really not what I went to school to do, I get the "you need to be a team player response"...
While I get what they are saying on the one hand, lots of quitting without hiring and they need help. On the other hand, I'm being a lousy steward of my profession by working as an MA.
How should I be responding?
Thanks in advance!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I would be giving my notice too. I actually just left a job which I held for 6 months. It was very similar to what you are describing: not an NP job at all but rather a lackey for others.
Gave my notice, went back to my specialty practice and never skipped a beat. And...would never ever work for that hospital system again.
AnnieNP, MSN, NP
540 Posts
I'm so sorry this is happening. I would collect my paycheck, wait out the 4 weeks and then move on without looking back.
BCgradnurse, MSN, RN, NP
1,678 Posts
You must be one of the highest paid MAs around. What a waste of your experience and skills. Will you have the opportunity to do an exit interview? If so, let them know this was not ok. Did all the MDs pitch in to do these tasks to help the team??
It can be tough to walk that line between being a team player and being taken advantage of. Hopefully this will not be an issue at your next job. Best of luck.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
When I object and say this is really not what I went to school to do, I get the "you need to be a team player response"...How should I be responding?
For future reference, you should have responded by politely but firmly declining at the very beginning. Once you open the door you are done. The "team player" line is a successful tactic which causes many to cave. Like BCgradnurse asked and I'd be certain the physicians haven't been asked to "pitch in" so why are you? My employers know, and the couple who didn't learned quickly, that I don't do anything my physician colleagues don't do.
So right you are. The only other provider there is a per diem physician who has staunchly said all along that he will not draw blood, administer vaccines, room his own patients, check vitals etc.
My mistake, right from the beginning, trying to have a post attitude and help out when needed.
Lesson learned!
This reminds me of my favorite Dr. Phil line "People treat you how you let them treat you. How is that working for you?" !!!!
1,487 Posts
When I am tempted, or unsure how to proceed, I ask myself "would a doctor do this?"
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
I'm not an advanced practice nurse. I bet routine add-ons can be wearing.
Don't doing vital signs give you extra assessment time with the patient? If you were to give vaccinations, wouldn't that give you extra patient education time?
babyNP., APRN
1,923 Posts
I'm not an advanced practice nurse. I bet routine add-ons can be wearing.But...Don't doing vital signs give you extra assessment time with the patient? If you were to give vaccinations, wouldn't that give you extra patient education time?
Perhaps- but that limits your ability to see more patients, decreasing your billing potential.
Exactly. I don't have time to do vitals on my pts when I'm in the office.
Thanks for the support everyone!
I just attended an interview for my replacement, and the hot topic was the need to "pitch in" anywhere and everywhere all the time.
So I get that they while they NEED someone who can cover the front desk, do all the MA tasks, be the office nurse, and when it's convenient for them be the provider too and as a result they are really pushing this team player thing being that kind of team player takes me away from the things I NEED TO DO and does very little to further the NP profession.
In retrospect, for the future I need to be aware of this particular spin on the team player thing before accepting a job in that organization.
You all have been my lifeline in a very trying time.