For Inactive Nurses desiring to return to the field


I would like to hear from any nurse who has been out of the field of nursing for a time, and thinking about returning. I have been inactive for four years due to a medical sabbatical, but am now looking into becoming a Parish Nurse.

I have always maintained an active nursing license in some state since my medical sabbatical, and have kept my BCLS card up to date until this past month when it expired, but I am working on updating it now. I also let my PALS expire, and won't update that unless I return to work in pediatrics.

For any of you who have been out for awhile, and have successfully returned, how difficult was it for you to be hired, and how many of you took a RN refresher course before applying for a job? Did the refresher course teach you anything that you didn't already know, or would you recommend it to other nurses returning to the field?

Thanks for your input, nurses!;)

Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.
I am also a registered nurse looking to go back into nursing. Have been a 'stay-at-homer' for 16 years (!!). I live in Ohio now, but have had licenses in Utah, Virginia, and Texas. And I did the unimaginable: let all licenses lapse. Now, I am paying for it!

I greatly need to take a refresher course before I go back to work but need an active license. So, I have chosen to reactivate my VA license (since they have the easiest requirements of the three states.) I need 15 hours of CE before I can apply for reinstatement of my VA license. Any advise? Also looking for input on refresher courses, preferable in Ohio. Thank you!!! (This is my 1st post and am excited to see if anybody can help)

For 32.00 you can get 100s of CEU's per year. I use this sourse that has State Required CEU courses and they are Board approved.

So far as a Refresher Course, I would go directly to your SBON website and see which ones are approved by them. The most cost effective and comprehensive are probably in your Communities ADN College. Here in Nevada, the refresher Courses from CCSN only has 10 slots and was booked up through next year, so I am doing a on-line Course that is approved by the Nevada BON.

:welcome: BACK

I recently completed a nurse re-entry program through out local community college. It took me 5 months to complete the whole process. Nurse Theory and Parmacolgy claases were both online, and I had 2 Saturdays that I did other stuff nursing skills lab, etc. The whole process was very supportive and I would recommend the re-entry class to anyone. I have been away from nursing for 11 years, but I had 15 years experience before that. :pumpiron: I am awaitng my lilited license from the BON to complete my 3 week clinical. I don't know how it will be to re enter the job market after being away for so long. I am excited about working again as a nurse and look forward to completing my clinical. Best of luck to you and start at your BON they will have a list of all the places that offer nurse re-entry/refresher classes.


hi rinestone and to everyone here!

i passed the local boards 12 years ago, but never had any hospital experience. there was a low demand for nurses during that time, so i opted to get into different fields (data encoding and as nurse aestheticians in skin clinics) where i can still earn a little above basic here in our country.

but now i feel like i'm being left out (after learning that most of my nurse friends and classmates are pursuing a very rewarding career) and i wanted to get back into the nursing profession coz i believe it's one sure way of providing a nice future for my kids.

im about to take up an IV therapy training course next month. as much as possible i wanted to attend to a series of seminars before i enter the real world of nursing, but of course that means putting out lots of money.

this site has really given encouragement to people like me, i hope im not yet a hopeless case, coz i really wanna be deserving of my title as an RN!


hi rinestone and to everyone here!

i passed the local boards 12 years ago, but never had any hospital experience. there was a low demand for nurses during that time, so i opted to get into different fields (data encoding and as nurse aestheticians in skin clinics) where i can still earn a little above basic here in our country.

but now i feel like i'm being left out (after learning that most of my nurse friends and classmates are pursuing a very rewarding career) and i wanted to get back into the nursing profession coz i believe it's one sure way of providing a nice future for my kids.

im about to take up an IV therapy training course next month. as much as possible i wanted to attend to a series of seminars before i enter the real world of nursing, but of course that means putting out lots of money.

this site has really given encouragement to people like me, i hope im not yet a hopeless case, coz i really wanna be deserving of my title as an RN!

:nurse:Try to apply as a volunteer nurse at the government hospitals at no cost after your IV therapy training course. Ask your fellow trainee about it.

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

Hi all,

I am so glad I found this website and subsequent discussion boards! I too have been away from nursing about 4 years, not for kids but for another career. Though I will tell you up front I was never a nurse who was burnt out, I just had the opportunity to pursue a dream and I did.

But I am very seriously (have reactivated license) considering returning to nursing. My specialty areas were ER and ICU. I went back to college and earned a Masters in Landscape Architecture. Yeah, yeah I know what you all are thinking .... wow that sounds so cool. Well it sounds a lot more romantic and cool then it actually is.

What it is, is a job in the rat race, working for a for profit business - where your work lives or dies by the all mighty dollar. In addition, I work on average 55-60 hours a week and get paid less then I was as an experienced nurse. I am also managing my department with 20 employees and no secretary.

And to be honest I took a lot more satisfaction from my work - even from the simple things like making someone more comfortable.

In NC the refresher course is mandatory if you've been out 5 years. I feel pretty confident that I'll do ok once I am back on the floor again with a good orientation. My husband in a cardiac nurse and actually other then a few meds. and procedures nursing hasn't changed much.

Think about it a sick patient is a sick patient and our job as a nurse is to assess for change (good or bad) and then respond accordingly. That never changes, and neither does giving a bath, changing a dressing, administering meds., or cleaning up a mess.;)

My biggest struggle is quiting my current job, which I actually have only been in a little less than a year (as a manager). But I can't take it much longer... the constant pressure from the job, my boss and my's like being on call 24/7, with no breaks. I thought I was tough but I'm beginning to dread going to work. I swear being a ER/critical care nurse was easier! Once I turned over the patient and walked out the door, I almost aways could leave work behind me.

Now I can't.:madface:

I welcome any comments, advise, and questions.

Thanks so much for listening!

Hello ;)

I have been out of active bedside nursing since 2000...but did work as a nurse consultant last year (REALLY great $$$ btw)...So, moved from Southern CA to CO and since my six year old is in school FT now decided I wanted to go back to Peds/PICU/NICU...WOW - what an eye opener...aka crush to the old self esteem (picture a hammer here).

First hospital I applied (same Health One aka Columbia as I worked previously) told me I needed to take a refresher course..altho I had MANY CEUs, current licenses in both states and HAD worked as a consultant...WOW! Went on to check that out and decided I would bite that bullet prn (ha ha ha)...How about $2200 AND I couldn't start for six mos AND I had to GIVE away 120 clinical hours...AND to top it all off..NO peds, picu nor's really adult med/surg!!! Did NOT give up..Did 46.7 CEUs in one week, updated BLS, ordered NRP manual and plan to get that done in the next four days...Updated my resume, got my letters of recommendation from my last two positions and went on to absolutely FLOOD the market here with my resume, etc.

Got calls back..AND..ta da (drumroll)..GOT AN INTERVIEW with Children's in Denver!!! Yaaahhooo!!!! I am absolutely THRILLED!!! AND had a phone interview w/Denver Health and Centura..who both want to do face to face interviews (so they say anyway).

Do NOT give up!!!! I am sooo excited..I was willing to accept the lowest end of the salary range..flip days AND nocs (altho I NEVER did nocs before I figure if anyone else can do it then so can I!!!)..willing to even go into class w/new grads and suck it up and do it all over again...and told the employers this as well...So - Monday am is my interview..I am THRILLED!!! ( oh yeah - and they gave me a good $$$ offer too) Good luck to you all!!! It is a hard row to hoe makes you wonder if there really IS a nursing shortage..doesn't it??? Also makes you consider "nurses eat their young"...right???

Anyway - best of luck...BE persistent..KEEP at it!!! Keep your end goal in sight and I believe we'll all get will just take a little effort!!!:balloons:

I am currently attempting to get a job again after 5 years. I have 15+ years of CCU,ICU,PACU and am having a hard time finding work. I've put my resume on monster and have gotten calls from staffing agencies, but do not feel comfortable doing that at this point.

I'm hoping one of the local hospitals will hire me. I'm very good at what I do! I can't believe how difficult it's been. I have licenses in 2 states, and am renwing my healthcare provider CPR. ACLS will hopefully come with the job.

Where is the desire for experienced nurses?

Do I really need a refresher? Will that even help?

Desperate in ILL.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Hello ;)

I have been out of active bedside nursing since 2000...but did work as a nurse consultant last year (REALLY great $$$ btw)...So, moved from Southern CA to CO and since my six year old is in school FT now decided I wanted to go back to Peds/PICU/NICU...WOW - what an eye opener...aka crush to the old self esteem (picture a hammer here).

First hospital I applied (same Health One aka Columbia as I worked previously) told me I needed to take a refresher course..altho I had MANY CEUs, current licenses in both states and HAD worked as a consultant...WOW! Went on to check that out and decided I would bite that bullet prn (ha ha ha)...How about $2200 AND I couldn't start for six mos AND I had to GIVE away 120 clinical hours...AND to top it all off..NO peds, picu nor's really adult med/surg!!! Did NOT give up..Did 46.7 CEUs in one week, updated BLS, ordered NRP manual and plan to get that done in the next four days...Updated my resume, got my letters of recommendation from my last two positions and went on to absolutely FLOOD the market here with my resume, etc.

Got calls back..AND..ta da (drumroll)..GOT AN INTERVIEW with Children's in Denver!!! Yaaahhooo!!!! I am absolutely THRILLED!!! AND had a phone interview w/Denver Health and Centura..who both want to do face to face interviews (so they say anyway).

Do NOT give up!!!! I am sooo excited..I was willing to accept the lowest end of the salary range..flip days AND nocs (altho I NEVER did nocs before I figure if anyone else can do it then so can I!!!)..willing to even go into class w/new grads and suck it up and do it all over again...and told the employers this as well...So - Monday am is my interview..I am THRILLED!!! ( oh yeah - and they gave me a good $$$ offer too) Good luck to you all!!! It is a hard row to hoe makes you wonder if there really IS a nursing shortage..doesn't it??? Also makes you consider "nurses eat their young"...right???

Anyway - best of luck...BE persistent..KEEP at it!!! Keep your end goal in sight and I believe we'll all get will just take a little effort!!!:balloons:

I admire you for your drive. Congratulations!!!!!!
Specializes in ER.
I am currently attempting to get a job again after 5 years. I have 15+ years of CCU,ICU,PACU and am having a hard time finding work. I've put my resume on monster and have gotten calls from staffing agencies, but do not feel comfortable doing that at this point.

I'm hoping one of the local hospitals will hire me. I'm very good at what I do! I can't believe how difficult it's been. I have licenses in 2 states, and am renwing my healthcare provider CPR. ACLS will hopefully come with the job.

Where is the desire for experienced nurses?

Do I really need a refresher? Will that even help?

Desperate in ILL.

I know what you mean. I lived in Germany for 3 years (husband's job) and had to do Parameds (insurance physicals) and work as a CNA / MA for a doctor just to have a job. Now that I am back in the US, nobody wants to give me a chance. I have 7 years experience in ER nursing. This is very frustrating. I updated my ACLS but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I get so frustrated when people tell me it shouldn't be a problem to get a job as a nurse, they have no idea...

As inactive nurses, we should could use your help in some of the other links. Please see the links regarding the staffing safety and surveys.

More nurses returning to higher paid hospital settings can open up more opportunities for you elsewhere.

I Know The Paradox Well.

Online Resume's Get Responses But If You Haven't Been Active For A Couple Years You Are Treated As If Your Memory Has Been Erased.

I Have Had 35 Years Experience And After A Retirement Of Only 18 Months , The " Recent And Active " Lines In All Adverts Deem Us Unfit.

My Only Suggestion Is To Look For Adverts For Gn's, Will Train. Some May Even Consider Nursing Homes In All Their Varieties, There Are 3 To 4 Times As Many As There Are Hospitals In Some Areas. Teaching Also Comes To Mind. If You Have A Bachelors Degree ,lvn Or Rn School. Also Teach Cna Classes With No Degree But Adequate Experience.

Online Is Problematic, Go To The Hospital, Talk Directly With Human Resourses. Call Up Old Nursemates, See What And Where They Are Working And Who They Know That Can Help.

I'm No Expert And Have Gotten Choosey In My Old Age So I Don't Take Some Of My Own Good Advice But You Will Have To Decide For Yourself What You Will Settle For.

Good Luck

Specializes in ER.

I'm BSN, RN batch of 1994 but landed in a main stream Police Service for 12 yrs now. I'm inspired reading different stories in this forum ...I want to be RESURRECTED! and work again in ER, but first I need your guidance and prayer..thanks everyone.

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