I would like to hear from any nurse who has been out of the field of nursing for a time, and thinking about returning. I have been inactive for four years due to a medical sabbatical, but am now looking into becoming a Parish Nurse.
I have always maintained an active nursing license in some state since my medical sabbatical, and have kept my BCLS card up to date until this past month when it expired, but I am working on updating it now. I also let my PALS expire, and won't update that unless I return to work in pediatrics.
For any of you who have been out for awhile, and have successfully returned, how difficult was it for you to be hired, and how many of you took a RN refresher course before applying for a job? Did the refresher course teach you anything that you didn't already know, or would you recommend it to other nurses returning to the field?
Thanks for your input, nurses!