fluid restriction

Specialties Med-Surg


i have a patient who was on 1000 cc fluid restriction. she kept asking me for ice chips. my question is does ice chips count toward the fluid restriction? if so how do you calucate cc in it?

Specializes in ER, ICU, Infusion, peds, informatics.

yes, it counts.

i was always taught to count 50% of the volume.

so, 30cc ice chips would be 15cc of fluid intake.

(ice melts to a lower volume)

thanks i appreciate it

fill the cup, stick it in micro and measure.....best to not use waxed paper cups for this,lol

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Flight.

LOL... nice one morte!!!!


LOL... nice one morte!!!!


thanks,lol.....used to work food service,lol

Any fluid taken orally counts towards restriction. Ice chips do melt at lower rate. Are lytes being checked frequently?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

Use a clear graduated cup. Most units have them on their CD cart for measuring drains etc. Ice melts at half volume, so if you give them 260 ml of ice you will have 130ml of water. And yes it counts on a fluid restriction, as does milk, coffee, juice, popscicle or any other substance that is liquid at room temperature.

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