Flu shots

Nursing Students General Students


The hospitals that my school assign us to for do clinicals at are making it an requirement that we receive the H1N1 and seasonal flu shots. I never had either and I never had the flu. I am really against getting the vaccines esp. the H1N1 because it is so new. This new flu emerged in April 2009, therefor I feel the vaccine have not been out long enough. This is just me and how I feel. Is this at every school?:uhoh3:

OP, another thing to consider is that although you "never got the flu before" you are going to be in a hospital with sick people now, someplace I assume you probably did not frequent before.

There are educated people who believe many erroneous things, it doesn't make them correct.


Whether you liked Sqire's tone or not....the information was correct.

Wrong...He chose not to give information and instead gave an insult and assumed that the op must just be a stupid student not listening in class. He didn't consider that she may not have even started school yet. Information can be presented in a way where you don't give a tone of arrogance and throw out insults to people who are simply asking a question.

Look, I never took a position that people shouldn't get flu shots nor did I say the swine flu vaccine was dangerous. What I did say is that the ignorant thing to do would be not asking questions and just trusting everything everybody says you should put in your body. Personally, I don't get flu shots and my family doesn't get flu shots. I don't see the necessity in putting all kinds of chemicals in my or my childrens body that could be potentially harmful to *MAYBE* protect me against getting the flu if they predicted the right strain that season. That is my PERSONAL decision. You may think it's stupid or ignorant. I don't really care. It is my decision. I did have to get the flu shot this year because I'm starting school and they required it. But that's the only reason why I got it and if I get a job that makes it an option, I won't be getting it in the future.

Specializes in L&D/Maternity nursing.

They were an option for us, but we were to understand that clinical sites did have the option of not allowing us into their facility without the vaccination. Some hospitals have the mask policy, so that might be an option for those who choose not to vaccinate.

I chose to be vaccinated. However, I did wait for my school to get the IM because I do not like the nasal.

Well, i did get the flu shot and felt funny for an entire day after.

I just got over what they say was H1N1 but never tested positive. I am still wheezing a month later and won't get the shot. My mom got it and was sick with high fever, aches pains and chills for 3 days after. She was perfectly fine before she had it. So, if i need it for my NS, I will challenge it. I was pro getting it before all of my recent sickness where I have been reacting to so many things. I don't think it is for everyone. This board is no place for nasty comments. If you can't say something nice, don't write it. I consider myself to always be in a state of learning and no matter how many degrees I have under my belt I would never assume to know it all.


Wrong...He chose not to give information and instead gave an insult and assumed that the op must just be a stupid student not listening in class. He didn't consider that she may not have even started school yet. Information can be presented in a way where you don't give a tone of arrogance and throw out insults to people who are simply asking a question.

So, what about his information was wrong? You didn't like his tone....I acknowledged that. His information was still factual.

Originally Posted by CuriousMe

There are educated people who believe many erroneous things, it doesn't make them correct.



Glad you agree....educated people's opinions are about as valuable as non-educated peoples. However, when educated people share their opinions and then back it up with evidence....then it's something to take into consideration.

wow....i'm not reading all that rude crap that's already started on this thread. anyway...nobody can force you to get any vaccine. every state offers some sort of exemption. state vaccine requirements – national vaccine information center oh and to the person that says the vaccine is safe....instead of believing everything the cdc and whoever else says that it's safe (or any vaccine for that matter), i'm sure the families of the people who have died as a result of vaccines don't think they're safe.

Oh and to the person that says the vaccine is safe....instead of believing everything the CDC and whoever else says that it's safe (or any vaccine for that matter), I'm sure the families of the people who have died as a result of vaccines don't think they're safe.

Lets look at the numbers of folks who died of the diseases these vaccines prevent before the vaccines were around (not even counting those who were disabled by these diseases) and then look at the numbers of folks who's deaths MAY be attributed to the vaccine. Then look at the number of deaths attributed to vaccines in the past 10 years (because we have gotten better at creating vaccines).

If we don't look at the numbers from the CDC and from the credible research that's been done on vaccines....who should we be listening to? What evidence is there that any of these vaccines are dangerous? Annectdotal evidence is not reliable....there needs to be a large n value in order for the information reliable.

I've heard of zero deaths from the H1N1 vaccine, but the death count from H1N1 is available.

wow....i'm not reading all that rude crap that's already started on this thread. anyway...nobody can force you to get any vaccine. every state offers some sort of exemption. state vaccine requirements - national vaccine information center

there may be state regulations about what your school can require.....but clinical sites can require what ever they want of students. students are there as guests, not employees.

Lets look at the numbers of folks who died of the diseases these vaccines prevent before the vaccines were around (not even counting those who were disabled by these diseases) and then look at the numbers of folks who's deaths MAY be attributed to the vaccine. Then look at the number of deaths attributed to vaccines in the past 10 years (because we have gotten better at creating vaccines).

If we don't look at the numbers from the CDC and from the credible research that's been done on vaccines....who should we be listening to? What evidence is there that any of these vaccines are dangerous? Annectdotal evidence is not reliable....there needs to be a large n value in order for the information reliable.

I've heard of zero deaths from the H1N1 vaccine, but the death count from H1N1 is available.

Actually, many diseases were on the decline right before the introduction of the vaccines....most likely due to better living environments and hygiene....hence the reason why these diseases are more heard of in developing countries rather then here. The info that I get is right on the CDC website....for instance, the ingredients. They have every vaccine and what's in them. I don't just go to any site. There's other sites I do look at, don't get me wrong because I don't trust EVERYTHING the government says. And yes....there has been deaths due to the H1NI vaccine. Just do a simple search. Anyway, bottom line everyone should look at BOTH sides of the issue and decide from there.

There may be state regulations about what your school can require.....but clinical sites can require what ever they want of students. Students are there as guests, not employees.

A hospital isn't it's own country with it's own laws. State laws apply to them as well, people just don't know it. Just like childrens schools say vaccines are required.

Actually, many diseases were on the decline right before the introduction of the vaccines....most likely due to better living environments and hygiene....hence the reason why these diseases are more heard of in developing countries rather then here. The info that I get is right on the CDC website....for instance, the ingredients. They have every vaccine and what's in them. I don't just go to any site. There's other sites I do look at, don't get me wrong because I don't trust EVERYTHING the government says. And yes....there has been deaths due to the H1NI vaccine. Just do a simple search. Anyway, bottom line everyone should look at BOTH sides of the issue and decide from there.

I do agree that looking at both sides is important. From my research one side seems very heavy with evidence and the other heavy with fear and anecdotal stories of tragedy and conspiracy.

Are you really saying that the number of deaths that may be attributed to the H1N1 vaccine is close to the amount of folks who have died from H1N1?

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