Miami Dade College

U.S.A. Florida


hi, i wanted to know are there any mdc students who know any information on the nursing program. i have all my requirements and all i need is chemistry. i am trying to apply to the accelerated program and would like to know if anyone here can give me a guide on my chances of getting in. any info will be greatly appreciated!:smiletea:

I can remember when we were all on here last August. HAHA.... How things have changed. Med-Surg may be the death of me. Pharm isn't that bad for me..... YET! But, Med-Surg......HELLO!!!!! It is getting Crazy....Getting Crazy really quickly. Especially since the 2 full days of clinical just started, especially w/ pre-assignment. I am totally not complaining. I thank God that I have gotten where I am.... It just is really getting to the point where I am like "WOW... This is for real." My 1st day of clinical at the Hospital last wk, a pt. coded. It was crazy. Good luck all.

Well I hate pharmacology, and Med Surg is a breeze. I laugh at how hard I thought it would be. The professor is excelllent and just makes it all so easy. With pharm I screwed up on the first exam, and studying it is soooooo boring. I can not manage to keep focused with those names. How do you remember the darn prototypes, they are impossible. I can not wait to get out of this semester, and I hope I make it out alive and survive it. Next semester is not going to be any better. I mean six weeks of Med Surg????????? ADVANCED?????????? What were they thinking?


I am applying for the Fall 09 generic and I wanted to know whether anyone can tell me when orientation usually is?? I am getting married the first weekend in August and going on a two week honeymoon so I need to make sure first that I will not be missing orientation. Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Hey Tracie,

Congrats on the marriage thing! I can tell you this. Orientation SUCKED! It was the most disorganized MESS you have ever seen in your life. If you missed it, I don't think It would really affect your survival in NS. The only thing that orientation was good for was getting some paperwork that needs to be filled out. All I can tell you is that MY 1st day of NS started on August 28th. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOURS WILL!!! Please don't make plans surrounding how MY experience went b/c yours may be very different.

Take care


Hey SouthernAsh


Thanks for the advice. Do you remember around when your orientation was?? Was it the day NS starting or was it wayyy before??

Tracie, I went and found my old planner and looked it up for you. My orientation was on July 21st. And then the 1st day of NS was on August 28th. So It was about 1 month before.

Well I hate pharmacology, and Med Surg is a breeze. I laugh at how hard I thought it would be. The professor is excelllent and just makes it all so easy. With pharm I screwed up on the first exam, and studying it is soooooo boring. I can not manage to keep focused with those names. How do you remember the darn prototypes, they are impossible. I can not wait to get out of this semester, and I hope I make it out alive and survive it. Next semester is not going to be any better. I mean six weeks of Med Surg????????? ADVANCED?????????? What were they thinking?

hi jessica -

i'm in my 1st generic semester at mdc & it's time to enroll for semester 2; i've been lurking on these boards for a while, but now i have some questions. Now that i have an idea of how things are done (and sometimes not done), i'm really looking forward to med/surg and dreading it at the same time, especially since i'll be taking it inthe short summer term. who is teaching your med/surg clinicals? and who do you have for pharm?

I have been looking high & low to see the faculty ratings on the different professors, but i can't find them anywhere. i'm particularly interested to know who is _focused_and_organized_. a lack of that is my main complaint with the program, overall and with some individuals.

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but since the program timeline is so compressed, anytime they drop the ball with organization, it means the student has to scramble to meet expectations (once you figure out what they are). Then they have a tendency to blame it on the students - there is that undercurrent with some of the faculty and staff that we're all trying to get away with doing as little as possible, which i find infuriating and insulting, but...

other than that, i'm so very very glad i'm doing this- every day i'm reminded that taking this step was a good decision and i'm looking forward to my career.

ANYway - it's a week now since enrollment started, so i may not be able to get the specific classes i want, but it would help to know what to expect from the different professors, especially clinicals - who offers the most supervision? who pushes you to think? who is scattered and crazy?

I am so sorry for any questions that were asked.....I was finishing semester two and it was insane. It is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do......WOW! I recommend Marie Etienne for Med surg. She has a wonderful pass rate and her students really do learn.

The critical thinking can sometimes get a little intense I think in this program, but it is doable. Anyway for pharm who is up this semester? Have you picked your classes already. Fundamentals is just the only gets more intense...believe me.

Mitchel-Levy for Pharm...hands down. She is awesome!! :twocents:

Holy -!, the break's already over - how fast was that?

Anyway, the Program seems to have had quite a few problems setting the summer schedule, and I was advised to just wait and enroll once grades were in and any failing students were dropped. I felt like some kind of electronic vulture lurking around waiting like that. Not to mention, they have made so many changes since my first post, that I wouldn't have got what I signed up for anyway, even if I had gotten it done on the opening day - they were still revising it and booking new instructors even today. Mitchell-Levy seems to have come off the schedule, and many classes will change professors at the 6-week mark. Hopefully they will nail it down soon, because I truly hate the uncertainty. Someone else posted here once about how hard it is to get any kind of comfort level in this program, no matter how good a student you are, it's very hard to have a sense of exactly how you're doing, and you can crash and burn at any moment.

All the kvetching aside, though, there are so many things I have been happy with/grateful for. As for the instructors, last semester, I had Tomlinson for Pharm Math, who was direct, good, and pretty organized (what a voice-!) Also, I had Rhea Davis for Skills and for Assessment; I'm probably too much of a stress pup for her, but I liked her a lot - approachable, easy-going, funny; I would have liked to have a class with her again this semester, but the timing hasn't worked out.

God willing, the schedule doesn't really change further, and I'm content with what I have now - Etienne for lecture (very organized - I hope that continues), Miller for Pharm, Anglin for Skills, and Alvarez for Clinicals (I hear that's where she really shines). The Orientation seminar for Clinicals is tomorrow morning, and then Wednesday is my first day on site at the facility - I feel like I've forgotten everything during the break though!

I have applied to mdc program for fall 09. However i am completing anatomy2 n micro for the summer. Has anyone ever been accepted while completing prereqs in the summer?

no, not that I have ever heard of. You're taking two of the science requirements, I'm assuming with lab if you are going for your bsn.

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