FL is not following mandatory mask/social distancing protocol

Nurses COVID


I am sorry to let you know , but public establishments are not enforcing the mandatory mask and social distancing. We are growing exponentially in number of cases.

Why are people so ignorant????


7 minutes ago, ladycody said:

Can't even waste my breath...there's just too much to address here...but you don't sound like anyone who has worked with covid patients. You aren't licensed...so at least there's at least that offers me a bit of hope. Keep learning...spend some time with evidence based info and statistics...and maybe a few Covid patients. I've worked with some amazing CNAs/PCTs with truly fabulous critical thinking skills.... maybe one day it will click.

I am an RN - RN follows my name the same as yours (I presume you are, from your posts you intentionally put in 1/2 truths, so it would not surprise me to find out you are in 8th grade or something). Tell you what, I will take your advice and try to learn as much as I can (I do that anyway). What I would ask of you is that you develop some sense of morality that you do not get to force your will on other people just for the pleasure of it.

And that is the saddest cop out I have ever heard. "oh, I can't waste my breath". Ya, keep telling yourself that so you can maintain that inflated ego you have. I feel sorry for your COPD patients that you put in 100 degree weather with a wet rag around their face to protect them from a disease that has a 0.4% kill rate. I guess I missed that class in nursing school where that is a good idea. Was it on NCLEX? I probably got that one wrong along with the one where I was supposed to apply leaches to suck out the bad blood.

See, you taught me something already. THANKS!

Specializes in CWON.

Sad then...but can still hope

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
6 hours ago, car48 said:

I agree. The government should make a new task force of men armed with cattle prods to walk the streets and shock people whenever they touch their faces too.

Furthermore, we should jail all people who are immune compromised. Sorry John, your wish may have been to go to the Grand Canyon before your died, but you are on Chemo - so you don't get to. And what is it with granny wanting to leave the house when she has arthritis? Everyone knows the best thing for arthritis is to stay sitting in your home doing nothing. And lets not forget the diabtetics. It is about time they got put in their place for eating too many pies.

Here is an easy one for you my fellow nurses. When someone has TB do you require the entire hospital to be isolated or just the person who has it? And this nanny state nonsense of killing grandma. Unless grandma has dementia and can't make her own decisions than it is no business of yours to tell her she can't go to the store. Seriously, who do you think you are? If you don't want your grandmother to get it, talk to her and tell her the risks. She can decide to follow your advice or not.

And since when did being able to use a sewing machine make someone a PPE provider? If any of us walked into a room with a patient wearing some cloth rag instead of an N95 we would get written up because it does almost nothing.

But you know what it does do? Heat injuries! I was going to go to Disney World this year until 'the masters of smart' said that masks were mandatory. OK, lets see what will kill grandma faster. Grandma wearing a mask in 100+ degree weather, or MAYBE getting exposed to a virus that has a lethality rate around 1%.

The real sick thing is that you have found it acceptable to have the government enforce your will. The gov. of New York is probably the worst. After forcing COVID patients back into nursing homes to spread the disease he did an about face with his draconian measures.

"It is worth it if we save just one life" - what a moron. Lets do the math on this shall we? Forget about COVID for a moment and consider we have locked people in their homes for the past few months. On average 40k people a year die of the plain old flu. I wouldn't doubt if becaause of this quarantine we have saved 10k lives. Why would we ever let people out of their homes? While we are at it since "one life" is worth any sacrifice why don't we lower the speed limit to 10mph and outlaw motorcycles? I bet many of you would be up for that, until it was a vice you liked and than it would be going to far.

And for the love of god please stop acting like this is ebola. The vast majority of people who get it never even knew they had it.

Nonsense. I hope that this flawed thinking isn't too widely spread among nurses.


But you know what it does do? Heat injuries! I was going to go to Disney World this year until ’the masters of smart’ said that masks were mandatory. OK, lets see what will kill grandma faster. Grandma wearing a mask in 100+ degree weather, or MAYBE getting exposed to a virus that has a lethality rate around 1%.


I feel sorry for your COPD patients that you put in 100 degree weather with a wet rag around their face to protect them from a disease that has a 0.4% kill rate. I guess I missed that class in nursing school where that is a good idea. Was it on NCLEX?

What’s the ”lethality rate” you’re talking about? Not to mention the ”kill rate”? (that last one sounds a bit ???).

Is it CFR you’re referring to, or an estimated IFR? Perhaps both since you mention different rates in your two posts? Is your COPD patient younger than grandma? Just out of curiosity, where did you get your numbers?

Either way, the risk to grandma or grandpa is likely higher than the numbers you mentioned, if they should contract Covid-19, unless granny and gramps happens to be very young.

Mask or no mask, going to Disney World or any other outdoor venue in 100+ weather is probably not the best idea for most elderly folks.

The elderly are often more prone to heat stroke due to physiological changes/aging (for example changes to skin, poor blood circulation, change in sweat glands) and they are even more susceptible if they are on medications like for example diuretics and antihypertensives. Diabetes (with neuropathy) can interfere with vasodilation, perspiration and thermoregulatory input. Etc. etc. But being a nurse you already know this. So wearing a mask is unlikely to be the ”one thing” that makes traipsing around outdoors in extreme temperatures, a less than stellar idea.

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