Finally I PASSED for the second time


Finally, i passed my NCLEX....i made it. i'm so happy. the first time i got 142 questions and the second one was 215 questions and I made it. I got almost 20 select all that apply questions, several meds and tons of priority quesstions. Psych was the main topic of the entire exam. Feuer CD was so helpful. Good luck to all who will still take the exam. Study hard and think positive

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.


Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.


Specializes in ICU, SDU, OR, RR, Ortho, Hospice RN.

CONGRATULATIONS I am thrilled for you. I wish you all the sucess in your RN career... Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

thanks sabby. i reall got nervous when i got more questions than i had the first time. i thought i was getting worse. but i made it. thanks

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

congrats now the next part of your journey starts :)


Specializes in Pediatrics, Med-Surg, Cardiology.

:balloons:Good job..congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons:

Finally, i passed my NCLEX....i made it. i'm so happy. the first time i got 142 questions and the second one was 215 questions and I made it. I got almost 20 select all that apply questions, several meds and tons of priority quesstions. Psych was the main topic of the entire exam. Feuer CD was so helpful. Good luck to all who will still take the exam. Study hard and think positive

Congratulations plus plus1!!

Pls may i know which one is feuer cd.i trying to find any thing that will help me to prepare for my 3rd resit,thanks and congrats once again.:balloons:

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