Finally!!!! I passed Nclex RN


God I thank you for wisdom knowledge and understanding. My hard work has finally paid off. I passed my RN nclex exam in my second attempt. It was the most difficult exam I have ever taken but I want to let anyone who is going to take it that it is doable. I used Kaplan, Saunders and NCSBN learning extension 3 weeks. These reviews played a very important part and were very helpful.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me and post very encouraging messages on this site. All the notes and strategies were helpful.

please don't give up if you have to take the exam again. Taking it again will only make you stronger and brush up your nursing knowledge.

Congrats!! I take mine very soon for the second time please keep me in your prayers

Hi SoontobeRNEshun, I am praying for you. all the best.

Make sure you know all infection control. I got a lot of those. The NCSBN 3 weeks course that I did was very very helpful. All the best.

congrats!! its such an exciting accomplishment! In my own experience, I felt that the NCLEX asks you a wide WIDE range of topics and it keeps throwing the topics you get wrong back at you. Keep going over practice questions, review topics that you keep missing and you'll do great SoontobeRNEshun!

Hi. Can you go in to further detail how exactly you study. What was your routine. Do you highly suggest getting the the 3 week ncsbn review...I have kaplan and the saunder, and the lacharity book..please and thank you!!!

Congrats I just got accepted at my local community college program. I'm so excited. Furthermore I'm very happy you passed, GOD IS GOOD!!!

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

Why does your info say you have 7 years of nursing experience if you were just accepted into your program? Are you an LPN?

Congrats I just got accepted at my local community college program. I'm so excited. Furthermore I'm very happy you passed, GOD IS GOOD!!!

Congrats, OP!

congrtas Kahmi, pls keep me in your prayers

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