U.S.A. Michigan


DMC and Oakland community college is sponsoring a short term 12 month LPN program through the michigan works agency no more driving to Toledo...classes have already started. Just thought I would spread the word!

Well For One If You Already Have A Cna License Then You Would Not Have To Take It Over As Long As You Are Certified Thru The State And Not A Hospital But You Would Have To Take Healthcare Success Training First And Then Cna If You Are Not State Certified And Then You Would Go To Pca Which Is Patient Care Associate Or Medical Adminstartive Assistant Is Another Program There And Then You Apply To The Lpn Program You Have To Take The Teas Test And Then If You Are Selected You Will Go To The Lpn Program! I Attend School There And It Is A Great Program The Teachers Are Wonderful! My Advise To Any One Wanted To Attend Stay Focused! Attendance Is A Very Important Factor! I Wish Everyone Luck And If You Have Any Questions Feel Free To Pm And If I Know The Answer I Will Let You Know! Good Luck To All!

You Have To Take Pca To Be Consider For The Lpn Program Which To Me Pca Just Gets You Ready For The Lpn Program! Because The Things Taught In Pca Other People I Know That Attend Nursing Schools The Stuff We Did In Cna And Pca Is What They Are Doing In Pca!

What I Meant To Say Is What Is Taught In Cna And Pca Is What Most Schools Are Teaching In There First Module Of Nursing!

Can you possibly tell me why is it so hard just to find out information about the Detroit Healthcare Career Center ? (ex. Breakdown of the classes taken for LPN) When you call there number an automated service comes on and issues the wrong Mi Works Number. I will attend the information session on Tuesday, but it would be nice to go with some information that is needed from me. Question: If you already have a CNA license do you have to take it again or will they denie you admittance to the program since you have a nursing certificate to work with now? (Mi Works feels as if you have a CNA license you can work and you don't qualify for additional training)

I personally wouldn't advice saying that you already have your CNA license. I know a few ppl that were denied admission because they already have their CNA license. I heard that a lot of ppl was complaining about having to take courses over because they were already a CNA through a facilty and not the state. So in order to cut down on confusion ppl with previous healthcare experience wasn't being accepted. I'm not for sure if it has changed ... that would be information I would keep untold. Bite the bullet and retake the courses it will go by fast. In other cases having experience is a plus but I'm not so sure wiht this particular situation. The choice is yours. Good Luck!!


i spoke to my career planner and i was told in order to get into the detroit healthcare career center you have to make under $21000.00. have any one been told that you have to make a certain amount to get into the program? i have made it through all the necessary steps, to be told that yes you qualify for no worker left behind but for the detroit healthcare career center you make to much money. is there anyone you currently in the program that could shed some light on this situation? also i was wondering if it make a difference that i going to go part-time in order to go to school.


Hey Goldie Ferragamo,

I pm you and your inbox is full. Once you empty some of your message you can receive my message.


Hey Morgan,

I Cleared My Inbox


I went to the information session on Monday. You can't make over 40K annually per household. You can't be on FIA, or have ANY grant money from the Federal Government for school. You can't get unemployment because Marvin will ask you if you started training or school. If you say yes, expect your check to be cut off, if you lie there computer system is linked & next time you need to get unemployment you can't or you can be prosecuted. If you are eligible for No Worker Left Behind you can't attend the program. I think this so unfair. I understand there has to be some limitations for the program or everyone and there momma would apply, but she denied so many people that really needed this option in order to better there selves financially. I was frustrated just listening to her speak. :banghead:

I was told some of the same things but by my career planner... I really upset about not getting into the program.... but I was told that you can still get training but just not through the Detroit healthcare center.

I went yesterday and that meeting was a joke! Someone came in with a flyer from the Health Career place stating they didn't need a GED or High School diploma. They had all these people sitting in there without one, then to find out that they could go through the program but would still have to get their GED before they could be certified or get a job. Common sense i thought but why would they tell these people that. This whole program is a joke, now they have all these stipulations! I don't have time to go through all of these changes. I think all the counselors should be on the same page and they're not!

MsRenee how's it going for you? I tried to send u a private message but your box is full!

I thought the unemployment agencies were suppose to help someone who puts forth an effort to help themselves, but that information seminar representative shattered alot of hope. But, I will still try to get into the program and jump over and under all the hoops and turns because it will be worth it. Anything worth bettering myself is worth some hard work. But if they don't accept me because I simply ask the state for a glass a water(HA!HA!LOL:chuckle) I just won't make it. Somebody has to get in.

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