Published Jul 23, 2017
4 Posts
So I'm really nervous about taking my NCLEX next week. In my Kaplan review, our teacher told us that we need to aim for a 60% on the question bank and question trainers. I'm currently averaging a 52%. I'm afraid that isn't anywhere near what I need to pass. I'm feeling really discouraged. I already have a job lined up so I really need to pass the first time to keep it. Anyone else average this low and pass? Any advice?
ItsThatJenGirl, CNA
1,978 Posts
Don't feel discouraged until you need to. Right now you're causing yourself unnecessary stress. Study, work hard, take the test, then see if you need to be discouraged.
Best of luck to you.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the NCLEX forum
17 Posts
I also did the Kaplan Live Review, and was told by my instructor (on the down low) that if I was getting 50% or higher on the QBank and Trainer tests, I was doing just fine. I averaged between 60-70% per test and passed in 75 questions. I have a friend who was averaging in the low 50's and passed in 85. If you have been diligently studying, you have nothing to worry about.
My best advice is to take your time and think through each question, but once you have an answer, stick with it! Do not second guess. Most importantly, be confident in yourself and your abilities. You got through nursing school and landed a job. You are highly capable of passing this test! Walk in there telling yourself, "I got this" and you have won half the battle already.
Best of luck, dear! I know you will do just fine. :)
Thank you so much! I really needed to hear that.
18 Posts
Remember, those are only numbers. I did UWorld and had 58% of the questions right while I see people who had 65-70% correct. I felt down but eventually realized it is not about the numbers but more so reading the rationales and understanding the question. Good luck!