FAU 2015 ABSN Applicants

U.S.A. Florida


Applications are open for FAU's January 2015 enrollment date! With just over 4 months until the deadline and 8 months to the start of the program, now seemed like as good a time as any to start a forum to ask questions, relay information, and support possible future classmates.

To start off, I was wondering if any one knew if they normally offer a ABSN program that begins in the Spring. I had only heard of admittance to the Summer semester at the beginning of May.

Best of luck to everyone!

That's not good for me on the fingerprinting if it's taking that long. Since I'm out of state, they're making a code for me, but haven't heard back yet.

Has anyone thought about making a closed Facebook page? Or should we do that closer to the start date?

@thatguy777 Dude. I'm so glad you mentioned not having the code. I'm freaking out over it and was gonna see if you had one I could use. I keep emajling and calling will no response. I didn't even know it was a process to make the code.

However, I can't imagine them giving a spot away to someone else if everything but that is completed... They'd have to start the process from scratch with someone new one month before classes start.

Idk. I saw that last week on the website and wondered. It would definitely be exciting if we got to do it!

I keep having these awful nightmares that I'm going to miss something or seething is going to get screwed up and I won't get that final acceptance letter. This process is really driving me crazy. We're so close to classes starting and I still don't know that my spot in this school is 100% secure. I'm freaking out. I need that eligibility for placement tab under fingerprints to turn green just so I can have a little peace of mind. :banghead:

@Byesuah I'm hoping they send out a code for the fingerprinting out soon. I think that's the only thing that I need or have no idea to do.

I just talked to my insurance and they are faxing me a letter that says I am covered, I hope that works!

Specializes in Cardiovascular Step Down.

I'm going out of state next Tuesday and I'm hoping to get everything done by then!! I'm going to the dr to get the TB test tonight! Soooo my Varicella came back rejected on the to-do list and this is what it says: "You have submitted positive titer information, however the lab report is required when submitting a titer. Please resubmit with your positive Varicella titer lab report for approval." Can someone please explain how I go about getting this lab report? Is there a test? All I know is I got the chickenpox in the second grade and I do not want to get a shot today :(

Apaskova: did you get a titer for chicken pox and submitted something for that? I would guess you need more documentation from your doctor or lab you got the titer done with. Alternatively, do you have any records that show you had chicken pox (from your pediatric physician)? I produced a document from 1993 showing my doctor had recorded that I had chicken pox and it was accepted. Also, call the Certified Profile people. They have been very helpful with all of my questions.

But don't stress because all we need to do is some paperwork and get some shots then we're in :)

Specializes in Cardiovascular Step Down.

Thanks ScrubsLove! I went to the doctor yesterday and got the titer to confirm. Just waiting for the results to come in! If anyone needs a tetorifice booster, beware. It hurts so bad. No wonder little kids cry! My left arm feels paralyzed lol

Does anyone know what the two step tb is? I had a one step done but it got rejected because we need a two step?

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