undefinedI work in a 6 bed PACU in central Michigan. We have 5 OR rooms and 2 Endo rooms. Our administration is considering allowing family visitation in the PACU (currently we allow visitors only for extreme circumstances, i.e. developmentally delayed pt, etc).
This is really a two part issue. They are hoping to "cure" the backlog of pts waiting for a bed in day surgery (they have room for 4 post op beds, 3 post op recliners and 4 preop recliners). The plan is for us to feed pts and give the families d/c info for patients who have met criteria but are unable to go to day surgery d/t no bed space. We also currenlty take overflow from the endo rooms when no room is available in day surgery.
The PACU nurses are fighting this. For privacy and confidentiality reasons we wish to continue limiting visitation. We also feel that bringing food/beverage into the PACU is inappropriate. The pt who is nauseated shouldn't have to smell coffee and toast, etc.
What is the policy at your hospital? we are hoping to collect enough documentation to change their minds.