Family Nurse Practitioner Student Experience



I am currently a Family Nurse Practitioner Student going on my second year of school with almost 2 years of RN experience. Right now I am working on a bone marrow transplant floor but am looking for other jobs because I do not feel this is giving me adequate experience for the FNP role. I have offers in a women's health clinic, as well as the emergency department at the hospital I work at. Does anyone know which of these would offer better experience? I am also keeping in the back of my mind, which setting would be best to implement my quality improvement doctoral project for school. Any suggestions would help greatly!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

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Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

If you are in your 2nd semester stay where you are. Apply what you have learned in NP school to your current assessments at work. Try and work through the problems in your head, and include the significant medical history of your patients, their meds, etc.

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Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I think either of them would be helpful with regard to gaining experience in what you are likely to see when you start working as a FNP. I found ED experience very helpful. Do you have an idea of what kind of NP job you would like?

I would choose the ED if i get job offers from both places...

I have always been interested in Women's Health, so Im partial to wanting to choose the clinic. But I also feel that being in the ED would be a "right of passage" so to speak, or at least help me to gain some valuable and broader experience. But the clinic hours through school are tempting, I just didnt want to base a decision solely off of that!

I have always been interested in Women's Health, so Im partial to wanting to choose the clinic. But I also feel that being in the ED would be a "right of passage" so to speak, or at least help me to gain some valuable and broader experience. But the clinic hours through school are tempting, I just didnt want to base a decision solely off of that!

Specializes in Adult Nurse Practitioner.

I agree with BostonFNP. You will soon be heading into clinicals and that will be stressful enough without the addition of a new work environment. That being said...if you are planning on acute care or women's health, then switching over could be advantageous, but if you plan to do general practice, stay where you are. Just my two cents worth :up:

ED is okay experience but you don't see the patient's long enough to really see the plan of care evolving. I think step down or ICU is ideal

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