Failed NCLEX

Nursing Students NCLEX


I just paid for the quick review and found I failed the NCLEX. I took it May 4, I'm honestly at a loss for what to use to study for the next time. I have Kaplan and NCLEX Mastery RN and clearly neither helped much for me.

Is there anything anyone knows of that are good study tools. Also don't really have a lot of extra money so may be not things that cost a ton to use.

Thanks in advance.

I would suggest finding the Mark Klimek audios. The actual class is expensive, but the audios are really good. He lays things out in a really easy to understand way and gives you principles to answer questions. The way he lays out the info is really helpful.

Aside from purchasing a review course. Look at how you studied the first time. Did you read EVERY rationale - right and wrong. You need to answer AS MANY QUESTIONS AS POSSIBLE every day. Then, make sure that you read EVERY rationale - the right and wrong ones. You need to read to find out why the correct answer is correct, and why the others were wrong. Also, very important is to pay attention to what it states the key word was. It is important to be able to identify the key word or subject of the question - because it will help you answer it correctly.

I really liked Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN. In the answer section, it provides the correct answer. Then, it provides a good rationale, explaining why the correct answer was correct and why the other options were wrong. It also makes points to state to focus on the subject of the question, and states what it is in the rationale in case you were focusing on the wrong subject of the question - this will help you know whether or not you were focusing on the wrong subject, and if you were, how to figure out what the right subject is. It also points out options that you can be eliminated because they are comparable or alike. It also provides test-taking strategy that you can use to come up with the answer (e.g., like eliminating options because they are comparable or alike). It is really helpful to always read the entire rationale and test-taking strategy for each and every question - whether you got it right or wrong. Even if you got it right, you might learn something you didn't know or learn a test strategy that you didn't know about, etc. I think its one of the best resources.

The book "Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment" by Lacharity is really good! It helps you answer those types of questions.

"Lippincott NCLEX-RN Alternate-Format Questions". It comes with a code you can use to answer the questions online or use the book. It's really good if you have issues answering alternate format types of questions.

Aside from paying attention to the keyword/subject of the question, I would say probably the MOST IMPORTANT thing when learning to answer NCLEX questions is learning principles and being able to apply those principles. The most important thing is to make sure you know the basic principles. Don't try to memorize everything. NCLEX is testing you on how well you basic principles. NCLEX is not testing to see how well you memorized the list of S&S for this med, or the list of S&S for acidosis. You need to know the basic principles, so you can generate the list for yourself based on that. NCLEX is a NATIONAL test, so they have to make the questions fair no matter what book, school, etc. someone went to. Therefore, they can't write questions based on some list out of one of the NCLEX prep books (e.g., Kaplans). The only way to do this is to write questions based on principles to see if the person can generate the answers from the principles. Mark Klimek helps teach this. The audios are a really good way to go instead of paying for an expensive course. But really, just answering a ton of questions can teach you the principles as well.

So, say a question on the NCLEX says that a pt has acidosis, what S&S will the pt exhibit? Select all that apply. They are testing you on a principle. What principle are they testing? That in an acidotic environment, chemical reactions cease. So, everything shuts down. You aren't supposed to memorize all the S&S. You are supposed to be able to apply the principle. So, when a question asks you about S&S of acidosis, you know the principle - in an acidotic environment, chemical reactions cease. So, everything shuts down. In other words, as the pH goes down, the pt will go down too (e.g., lethargy, bradypnea, bradycardia, etc.). So, instead of trying to memorize different things, focus on learning the basic principles. Focus on answering as many practice questions as you can EVERY day, and reading ALL the rationales so you can learn the reasons for the answers. Reading the rationales should also help you learn the basic principles and how to break down questions to figure out the answer.

Do you know anywhere to search for the Mark Klimek audios?

Hello! I failed the NCLEX 5 times and wrote it a 6th time and just found out last week I finally PASSED. I tried many different strategies and obviously everyone is different. But what I found helpful for me was figuring out what exactly I was struggling with. For example, ask yourself...Am I struggling with...

Knowledge? ---- Use HURST! They simplify everything in one booklet. It's important to know the basic information and HURST does that for you. It's not cheap but I think it's worth it. You can also use Saunders if you want more specific information but to be honest, I didn't use it.

How to answer questions? ---- So maybe you feel like you know your stuff but just can't get the right answer? Practice!!! UWORLD was my saving grace. I knew that I knew my nursing knowledge, but when it came to application, I would always choose the wrong answer. UWORLD is a good mix of practice and knowledge. To be honest, I felt like UWORLD was even harder than the NCLEX. Everyone says that you "have" to do all questions in the qbank but I didn't. Quality over quantity. Read your rationales and LEARN at your own pace. Just because you did 2500 practice Qs, it doesn't mean you're good to go. If I'm going to be honest, I only did about 200 questions. At the end of every day or week, redo all your incorrect questions (you can create a practice test using only the questions you got wrong). This is something I did differently that helped me.

Test Anxiety? ---- Now this is something I feel like I don't see people talk about often...and it's a very real thing!! A month before I wrote my final NCLEX, I thought to myself, "why do I keep failing?" and just the thought of being at the test centre made me anxious. It was then I realized that maybe this is more than just a "lack of knowledge" etc. I looked up natural ways to help with my anxiety and also to help my concentration (I noticed my mind wandered when I did questions). I found a natural supplement I found at the natural store (look up stuff that has Bacopa or Omega 3). I also started playing brain games on my phone and did Sudoku puzzles. I exercised my brain while also having fun! I noticed it calmed me down too. When you do practice questions, try to find different methods to help with anxiety and concentration (i.e. tap your fingers, take a deep breath, stretch) so that way when it's exam time, you can use those methods to help.

When you do practice questions, try to mimic doing the actual exam. Don't mind the time or how many questions are left. Most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Trust me, I know how bad it feels to fail. Stay hopeful!

Also, be honest with yourself. That's all I have to say. Good luck!

I agree so much with being honest to yourself. I always looked at the questions as ok even though you kinda knew that question but got it wrong it was wrong. I always went over every rational either right or wrong just because I got it right doesn't mean I actually knew why I got it right.

But with this test my biggest downfall I feel was not spending nearly enough time going over psych and ob and that was literally all my test was.

I agree with pink-lemonade.

We have a very similar story. I passed recently and it was my 6th time taking the test. I used Kaplan, PDA by LaCharity, and Lippincott Q&A. But in the end, do as many questions as possible no matter where you get the questions. I suggest going to the library and checking out Nclex books. That's what I did because I was on a budget and couldn't spend a lot of money on practice books.

I also had a lot of test anxiety. Think of the nclex as another practice test. I know it's easier said than done being in that testing environment. But, the more practice tests you do, the more it will become second nature and you won't feel as much anxiety in the testing center.

Hey I took mine May 4 as well. My result is not up yet and when i did the PVT it says on hold. It is nerve wracking waiting for the result. Its techinically over 72hours now when i finish taking the test

Hi a friend emailed me Mark Kilmer audios and it was very helpful even got the yellow book but at the time wasn't serious. Just finished Hurst about to get Uworl and trying to get Kilmer again and it won't come up again. Could you PLEASE tell me where I can find it. It is VERY good. I'm trying to go take my exam in June. Help please

As several have said, Uworld is one of the best sites to use. In addition, I used NCSBN's NCLEX review, which is a go at your own pace study/test type of thing. Keep in mind, the review information is not very indepth, more like bullet points. Though, it may help jog your memory if you're fuzzy on a particular area.

As several have said, Uworld is one of the best sites to use. In addition, I used NCSBN's NCLEX review, which is a go at your own pace study/test type of thing. Keep in mind, the review information is not very indepth, more like bullet points. Though, it may help jog your memory if you're fuzzy on a particular area.

Hi, please did you see the NCSBN'S question same level as the Nclex because i want o buy it. I have heard about UWORLD but i want to try NCSBN'S Nclex review. I plan to do only the questions and use saunders for content review. Any input will be helpful, thanks.

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