Failed NCLEX- PN twice

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi, everyone I am very new to this and need to vent somewhere with someone. I took my NCLEX-PN friday and found out I failed today for the second time.. I told my husband and the first thing he said was " Really? your joking." " how did you fail again? after all that time in nursing school and you failed twice" I didn't know what to say I am speechless and reevaluating whether i should be a nurse or not.. I wanted to get into the RN program in the fall but i dont even know anymore if I am not an LVN. What should I do? I don't want to take the NCLEX again to fail... Not sure if i want to invest in another study program. I used the kaplan study program both times and failed. I was sure id pass this last time around but I didn't. I am so disappointed in myself.. I haven't even told my mom Ive failed twice. I have no clue what to do now. Please someone help.

Oh wow. The two times I've taken the nclex I'v had the max 205 questions both times! I dont how thats possible :( om scared to take it again.


I really feel for you,but I know you can do it. I took the NCLEX PN the first time and failed - i am educated and trained in a foreign country and studied half the Saundrs book and went to test and I failed.

I then re took the NCLEX PN and studied the saunders PN book cover to cover 3 times!!! I went over the ENTIRE book 3 times! On the morning of, I ate a good break fast and tested. Half way through I took and break. I continued testing. i knew I was passing because I got harder and harder questions. I paid for the quick release results online but was too scared to click the next button to see whether I passed or not!

Well, I had to click the button some time - I did and I passed the second time even foreign trained and educated without taking a refresher course her in the US AND I teated in 2008 after graduating nursing school in 1989!!!Well, I was jumping for joy when I saw PASS on the screen and checked teh BOB and saw my name!! I have been offered $27 an hour as a LPN but that is because I graduated in the 80's. I am now a RN student. You CAN do it. Try again!!


You can read my response to susan0930 - hopefully it will be of inspiration to you! Try again!! You will be a licensed nurse!

So sorry for the typos in my post susan0930!!

Trust me I understand your pain. I don't have the money also to retake the test that I failed. But with GOD help, I came up with a plan of action. First off I paid for my application fee which was $75 to the BON. Which I rearrange my bills money. Next I paid for my background check which was $60. Now the big fee I am saving up for I have half of it. I work a full -time job plus I have a husband whom is helping me out , and I have two children. What you can do is watch Hurst review free on youtube they are free to watch. What she does is break down all the base of the subject . All her reviews stuff is on youtube to watch. Write them down and go over them as many times as you like. The videos are for RN stuff but it will help you understand . I never thought it was for LPN so I turned away. You can try it there is no cost and look around through the web or youtube for video on tele stuff, pharm stuff it helps. Good luck

Wow nurse medicine woman! Thats pretty intense especially since alot of time went by since you graduated. I'm just to scared right now, I haven't received the report yet to see if I did worse or not. If i dont get into the nursing program in the fall I wouldn't know what else to do.. my husband was giving me crap about it these past couple of days and I told him to try take it himself but his smart ass remark ****** me off even more. He said " well I would've known more by the second time around and passed." -_- I am already giving myself a hard time for it. I dont want to take to long to re test but at the same time I start class in the summer. :/ just reading alone bores me and makes ne sleepy so it has hard for me to read the saunders book.


You can read my response to susan0930 - hopefully it will be of inspiration to you! Try again!! You will be a licensed nurse!

Thanks again...yes i agree i refuse to give up....becoming a nurse is a dream for me....just need to find a different way to stick to one or two sources instead of having a host of books...thanks again for your encouraging words


You are welcome!! I don't know if you have the time but i studied for 5 hours everyday except week ends for 3 months straight. Get sleep the night before though. I was up until 1 am in the morning and my husband warned me it is not a good idea as I tested at 8 am and had to drive an hour to the test site! So right his advice because of lack of sleep on test day I choose wrong answers EVEN when I knew the right answer! But I still passed - you will too!


Thanks!! I understand about being too scared. I am in a RN program and failed my first exam!! Too scared to reschedule exam! But I know I will.

Oh do I agree with you about the husband comment. THEY think it is so easy to just take the NCLEX and how hard can it be?! Very annoying. And his remark about he would have know more the second time - NOT as the computer's questions are different every time you test even for the SAME NCLEX!

Don't be too hard on yourself - you wills succeed and be a licensed nurse and I can tell you when you get your license in the mail and your name on the BON website it is absolutely a fantastic feeling! You keep on keeping on and yes don't wait too long before you re test.

I'm in the same son is 6 months now and babysitters or daycare are so expensive. I also failed 3 times. I would like to take it August 2014 and I refuse to fail again. I heard ATI is the best study guide. I have been out of school since 2009 so I don't know where to start so I decided to come on here to get some guidance. I hope it works. DON'T GIVE UP!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!

Well you can go to video for the Hurst Review RN Nclex on youtube...They have almost all the videos for them and review. I will never give up on my dream to become a LPN in the state of Ohio..

Sorry I know how you feel I failed twice too I am taking the ncsbn pn review don't give up you are not alone we are going to be nurses remember nursing starts with the heart first good luck

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