Published Oct 8, 2010
1 Post
Hey all. So I'm in a pretty depressed mood right now, & will probably be stuck in this until I retake this damn test. So a little background on myself I am 22, & 2 years ago decided to change my major from business to nursing science. I didn't want to wait the couple years to get into a nursing program through Sac State, so I decided to go with a private college named Unitek. It was a fast track 11 mth LVN program. Well now it's been about 6 mths & I am still trying to receive my license. I must admit the first time I took the NCLEX PN I didn't study that hard. But the 2nd time, I studied for a mth straight 8 hrs a day at the library, reading through my Saunders NCLEX-PN Examination book & going through the practice questions on the cd. Still did not pass. One of my classmates just recently passed her 2nd time & she used the Kaplan NCLEX-PN review, strageries book. She said it helped her a lot because it wasn't this huge book to intimidate her & it broke down each question nicely. Im definitely going to buy that book for my 3rd try, but just wondering what tips others might have on passing this damn test. I just get frustrated because I feel like most of this information I can only learn through experience, theres only so much you can memorize. I just jumped into this medical field, & am being quickly discouraged.
onepowerfullady, LPN
76 Posts
I am not sure that I am at liberty to answer this question for you because I am still in nursing school myself. The upperclassmen at my school and along with other schools of nursing around here have done a live review with Sylvia Rayfield and ATI and have a 98% passing rate. If you don't pass you are allowed to go through the review again for free. I really wish you much luck.
25 Posts
I am taking my NCLEX-PN in 3 weeks for the first time. I am finding the Saunders CD very helpful, its surprises me that you did not. But The Kaplan book is definitely a needed accessory to a bigger book that builds your knowledge base. Kaplan gives you the strategies which help you break down the question, identify words that eliminate certain answer choices. I think a knowledge on how to answer the question is REQUIRED to answer the NCLEX-PN questions. Good luck!
38,333 Posts
One theme that you see over and over is that the NCLEX is unpredictable. The best you can do is to prepare yourself and be persistent. As long as you don't give up, there will come a time when you will pass. Keep at it.
108 Posts
I agree as well as many others that the NCLEX is unpredictable and it does not matter how much is u stuff is how you understand the material. Priority seems to be a frequent topic in the NCLEX (from my own experience and seen in this forum) so make sure you know how to proritize. If someone had a certain disease what would you tell a person about that disease. Or if someone had a new med, what would u tell them? If you are able to talk about what you are study, it might help you feel more confident the next time around.
27 Posts
Prioritization and Isolation Precautions are *very important*.
Having a solid knowledge base definitely aides in prioritizing, but also focus on applying Maslow's heirarchy and your ABC's
72 Posts
I recently passed my Nclex-PN test... Its my 2nd time. I graduated 2 years ago.. its was hard work to relearned stuff again... When i learn I passed... I cried.. tears of joy.. I did not expect it. I used Sauders, Priority fr LaCharity , resources fr this site. I always read the messages from the nurses who passed.. its a big positive reinforcement for me.
Well.. good luck to you. Also, prayers helps. Thanks you JC.
51 Posts
Good Luck a good book for nclex is Priority by Linda LaCharity.............
31 Posts
I recently passed my Nclex-PN test... Its my 2nd time. I graduated 2 years ago.. its was hard work to relearned stuff again... When i learn I passed... I cried.. tears of joy.. I did not expect it. I used Sauders, Priority fr LaCharity , resources fr this site. I always read the messages from the nurses who passed.. its a big positive reinforcement for me. Well.. good luck to you. Also, prayers helps. Thanks you JC.
I need help passing my exam next month. It will be my 2nd time. Any advice?
[email protected]
6 Posts
hi im in the same boat i passed my lpn program in march 2009 and i have taken the nclex 2 times as well i am sooo frustrated behind this please keep me informed of any good study tips you have and any new materials...... thanks
121 Posts
same here dont know where to start anything will help 3rd time has to be the charm!
126 Posts
Omg! I'm in the same position..I didn't pass my first time taking the boards..but I'hopjng to schedule it at the end of this month for sometime in September. So the priority book seemed to help?!